Floating Collections Processing Overview

When you set up floating collections, you first determine what collections are eligible to float for which home branches. The home branch’s policies determine if an item from the eligible collection should float. For each branch that enables floating collections, you set the following additional limits:

If floating is enabled for an item’s home branch, when the item is checked in at a receiving branch, the system checks the limits. If all conditions permit floating, the item is checked in at the new branch and the item’s assigned branch automatically changes to the new branch.

If floating collections are not used, the item’s home branch and assigned branch are typically the same. The home branch value is used only for floating collections and does not affect any other item processing.

Cooperative Considerations for Floating Collections

Libraries and branches that participate in floating collections may want to have matching, reciprocal policies to help maintain a balance of items. If the participating organizations will float many items, it is a good practice to standardize the classification system and collections.

Circulation Processing for Floating Items

Floating collection processing takes place at check in. The system check for floating eligibility and the migration of the item to its new assigned branch are nearly the last steps in the check-in process. The process happens automatically; no message is displayed to the staff member when the item floats to its new assigned branch.

Possible Issues

Collection Agency Processing and Floating Items

If several branches report to a collection agency and the reporting is set by item’s branch, remember that floating items can change branch. For example, if a patron account is submitted to a collection agency for a charge on Item X from Branch A and then that item floats to Branch C, in subsequent reporting, the patron’s account will be reported from Branch C. The patron will not have multiple charges, but the amount owed for that item is now associated with C. The patron’s account is no longer listed on the Update Report for Branch A; it appears on the next Submission Report for Branch C. Subsequent payments and other activity will appear for Branch C unless the item moves again.

Item Record Updates for Floating Items

When a floating item is checked in at the receiving branch, the item record fields are updated as follows:

Loan Period Codes and Fine Codes can be defined at the system level so that all participating branches share these settings. Also, you can use the Patron Services Parameter Fine and Loan period defaults to set default values to apply when the loan period code and fine code are not shared by the home branch and receiving branch.

The Item Record workform - Circulation History view shows the item’s Home branch, the Do not float option, and the circulation history of the item as the item moves from branch to branch. (You can also see the circulation history for floating items linked to the same bibliographic record by selecting Tools, Show Usage Statistics in the Bibliographic Record workform.) Two transactions appear each time an item floats, one for the check in, and one for the change in assigned branch due to floating.