Set up collection agency prerequisites

To prepare to use collection agency services with Polaris:

  1. Enable collection agency processing:
    • Contact Innovative Interfaces to make the collection agency functionality available in Polaris, and tell Innovative Interfaces which agency you will be using.
    • Set up a contract with the collection agency. Establish a reporting schedule, transmittal method (e-mail or FTP), and destination information for the reports.
  2. If the library will send fine notices to warn delinquent patrons about collection, set up the fine notice (see Fine Notices).
  3. Note:
    This step is not applicable if you use UMS.

  4. If the library wants the fine notice and collection communications to go to the guardian of a minor patron, have Innovative Interfaces set up a UDF in Polaris Administration for the guardian barcode (see Reporting Minors).
  5. Note:
    This step is not applicable if you use UMS.

  6. To be sure the system reports the recovery of lost items correctly, set the Patron Services parameter Overdues: Billed items set to lost to Yes.
  7. Be sure that the SQL job is set up properly before you start collection agency processing:
    • In SQL Enterprise Manager, check that the SQL Server job Polaris_Collection is scheduled properly and enabled. The schedule should not interfere with other running jobs.
    • Check that a valid path is set for the SQL Server job Polaris_Collection output file, and that entries are appended into it.

    Innovative Interfaces can assist you with this step. Contact your Polaris Site Manager.

Related Information

Set collection agency reporting criteria, thresholds, and schedules - See Set up collection agency processing.