Reviewing Notice Histories

The notice history is a list of the notices that have been sent to a patron regarding a specific item. The list includes the notification method, the date, notification organization, and the amount of any related charges. If the notice was delivered by email, text message, or telephone, the notice history also indicates whether the delivery was successful. When the item has been checked in and all charges have been resolved, the notice history for that item is no longer available.

Additional text message notices, which are sent in addition to another method, do not appear in the patron’s notification history. For example, if both a printed notice and an additional text message notice are sent for an item, only the printed notice appears in the notification history.

Your library sets separate retention periods for hold notices (pick-up and cancelled hold notices) and item and account notices (overdue, fine, bill, and reminder notices). See The Notification History. An entry is kept in the notification history if it falls within the specified period of time, the related item is still checked out, claimed or lost by the current patron, and current charges are not resolved. The entry is kept under these circumstances even if the related item is purged or deleted from the database; in this case, the title is prefixed by [DELETED].

To display and print the notice history:

To display the notice history, you need the Circulation permission Patron status: Access notice history. See Setting Circulation Permissions.

From the Check Out workform, select Links, Existing, Patron Status.

  1. Open the patron’s record in the Patron Status workform - General view or Patron Registration workform - Status View. See Find patron services and related records.

A maximum of 250 entries is initially displayed. You can scroll the list to load another 250 entries at a time, or press CTRL+SHIFT+A to load all the entries. Each entry represents the latest notice for an item. Go to step 2 to see the entire notification history for an item.

  1. To open a notice history, double-click an item in the Notices list, or right-click the item and select Open from the context menu.

The Notification History opens. From here, you can click Print if you want to print the notification history for this item.

You can also open the Notification History from the Patron Status workform - Items Out view, Claims view, or Account view. Select the item in the list of items out, and click NoticeHistIcon.gif (or press ALT+N).

  1. To print multiple notice histories, select the items in the patron’s Notice list and right-click. Then select Print from the context menu.
  2. To open a related item record, right-click an item in the list and select Item Record from the context menu.