Managing the Holds Queue

The holds queue is the prioritized list of Active, Pending, Located, or Shipped hold requests for a specific title or item. By default, hold requests are arranged from the oldest request at the top to the most recently created request at the bottom. The oldest request is usually filled first. However, you can manually change the order of the requests.

Certain administration settings for your library may also affect a request’s queue position, so that requests are not always filled in strict date and time order. See Set Holds options: Trapping preferences, queue settings. Libraries may also choose not to display the request queue position in the PAC patron account. See Enable patron account access - PowerPAC.

To change the order in which hold requests for a title are filled, by rearranging the requests in the queue:


You need the Circulation permission Modify hold queues: Allow to do this procedure.

Open the Holds Queue by one of these methods:

To see all the requests for the title, not just the active and pending requests, select Links > All Hold Requests from the Holds Queue workform menu bar.

The Holds Queue workform opens. The workform lists the active and pending requests for the title. If your library allows item-level or first-available-copy requests, these are indicated by the item-level icon ItemHoldIcon00066.gif at the beginning of the request line. Borrow by Mail requests are indicated by the Borrow by Mail icon iconBBM00067.gif at the beginning of the request line. Item-level Borrow by Mail requests include an I in the Borrow by Mail icon iconItemBBM00068.gif.

Other users may be creating requests for a title, or request statuses may be changing. To view the most current request data for a title, select View > Refresh, click the Refresh button, or press F5.

To see the queue for a specific volume in a multi-volume set, or a specific serial issue, select the volume or issue from the Volume or Issue filter list in the workform header area.

Select the hold request line item to be moved in the Queue list.

Choose one of the following options:

The hold request appears in its new position, with the other requests in the Queue list rearranged accordingly.

Select File > Save to save your changes.

The status bar indicates that the order of the holds was changed successfully.

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