Manage Unclaimed Hold Requests

The item status changes from Held to Unclaimed at 11:59 p.m. on the hold request’s unclaimed date if the item is not picked up. The unclaimed date is determined by the Maximum days held for pickup setting in Polaris Administration (see Set Holds options: Define terms and limits); dates closed and hours of operation (days closed) are taken into account in the calculation.

To manage Unclaimed hold requests for items that were supposed to be picked up at your branch, but were not picked up:

As long as an item’s status is still Held, you can manually extend the unclaimed date when a patron is unable to pick up the item by the original date. Change the Unclaimed date for the item in the Hold Request workform (see Edit hold request data).

  1. Select Circulation, Request Manager from the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

The Request Manager workform - Hold Requests view appears.

  1. Select your branch in the Branch name box, Pickup in the By box, and Unclaimed in the Status box, if they are not already selected.

For a paper copy of this information, select Utilities, Reports and Notices on the Polaris Shortcut Bar, and print the Unclaimed Checklist report.

  1. Pull the unclaimed materials from the holds pickup shelf.
  2. Check in each item. See Do a normal check-in from the Check In workform.

All unclaimed requests are automatically deleted or cancelled when the held items are checked in, depending on your library’s policy.