Taking Items Off Reserve

You can take items off reserve in two ways. For items that frequently return to reserve, you may want to deactivate the item. When you deactivate an item from all courses, the primary item circulation settings are restored, but the reserve item record settings are stored for use when the item is placed on reserve again. The item record is still linked to the course reserve record, but the reserve status changes to Not Reserved. See Deactivate a reserve item.

As long as the item is on reserve for at least one course, the reserve item circulation settings remain in effect.

For items that are not expected to return to reserve, you may want to remove the items from reserve. When you remove an item from reserve, the primary item circulation settings are restored (if the item belongs to the library’s collection), and the reserve item settings are completely cleared. The link between the course reserve record and the item record is broken. See Remove an item from reserve.

When items are removed from reserve for all courses, you dispose of the physical item according to the settings in the reserve item record. If the item belongs to the library, it is either returned to the library’s circulating (non-reserve) collection, or discarded. If the item belongs to an instructor, it is either returned to the instructor, or discarded. If the Auto-delete option is set in the reserve item record, item and bibliographic records are automatically deleted when an item is taken off reserve to be discarded or returned to the owner.