Send Course Reserve Notices

To send course reserve notices to instructors:

  1. Select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

The Polaris Reports window opens.

  1. Select Notices, Course Reserves.
  2. Select Course Reserve Notice.

The Report Setup Wizard dialog box opens.

  1. Select a branch (the owner of the course reserve record).

The Courses list displays courses where the selected branch is the owner, the Course Reserve record status is Active, at least one instructor record is linked to the Course Reserve record, and at least one reserve item record with a status of Active or Permanent Reserve is linked to the Course Reserve record.

  1. Select a course or courses.
  2. Select a notice option:
    • Email & print notices - After overnight processing, email notices will be sent to instructors associated with active courses whose patron records include at least a primary email address. Print notices are produced for those instructors without email addresses.
    • Print notices - The notices are addressed to the address specified in the instructor’s patron record field Address for notices and bills.
  3. Click Submit.

Email notices are placed in the queue. Print notices appear as .pdf files in Adobe Reader. Click the Adobe Reader print icon to print the notices.