Circulating Reserved Items

Reserve items may circulate like any other items, but their loan period and fine rates are generally adjusted.  For example, a book that normally circulates for two weeks might be limited to three hours or overnight when placed on reserve. The Reserve Item view of the item record shows the reserve circulation settings.

Reserve Item Check-Out

You check out reserve items following the same general procedures as for any other check-out operation (see Check-Out and Renewal). When a reserve item is checked out, the transaction is recorded in the circulation counters in the Reserve Item view of the item record, as well as the circulation counters in the primary item record.

The following special situations may apply to reserve items:

Reserve Item Check-In

You check in reserve items following the same general procedures as for any other check-in operation. See Check-In. During check-in, if an item has a reserve status of On Reserve or Permanent Reserve, a message informs you what course the item is reserved for, so that you can put it aside for proper shelving.

Offline Circulation for Reserve Items

For offline circulation, the following special situations apply to reserve items:

Self-Check Circulation for Reserve Items

For self-check circulation, the following special situations apply to reserve items: