Renewing Items

When you renew an item for a patron, the new due date is calculated automatically, based on the library’s standard policies. However, you can also assign a special loan period for the renewal (see Assign a special loan period).

If your library has enabled automatic renewal, items that are checked out and eligible to be renewed are renewed automatically.

You can do a renewal from the following locations in Polaris:

Your library may allow patrons to renew items from the PAC or by telephone. If so, the library may set special conditions for these patron-initiated renewals.

If your library has set the Check Out: Charge Options Patron Services parameter to charge for renewals and prompt the user regarding the charge, the renewal charge appears on the same dialog box as the overdue charge when renewing overdue items. See Renew Overdue Items - Resolve Fines and Renewal Charges.

Renewing Items with Hold Requests

If you try to renew an item with Active, Inactive, or Pending requests for that title, the renewal may be blocked and a message displayed.

Your library can control this blocking message at the System level using the Patron Services Administration parameter Renewals: Block if there are holds. When this parameter is set to Yes, the block message is always displayed when there are requests for the title. When set to No, the block message is displayed only when the item being renewed is the only item available to fill the request. If other holdable and potentially eligible items are In, no dialog box appears and the item can be renewed.

When you see the block message, with the appropriate permission you can renew the item or cancel the renewal and trap the item to fill the hold request.