Create an On-the-Fly Item at Checkout

To create an item record on-the-fly for uncataloged items as you check them out:

You must have an on-the-fly item template already created to do this procedure. See Create On-the-Fly Item Templates. Also, the Polaris permission Create an on-the-fly item at checkout: Allow must be set for your user name and workstation.

  1. If you scan or type an item barcode at the Check Out workform and Polaris alerts you that the item is not linked to a record, confirm that you want to create a record on-the-fly by clicking Yes.

On-the-fly item barcodes cannot begin or end with spaces.

If you click No, the Check Out workform appears with the Item barcode box cleared, allowing you to check out other items.

The Brief Item Entry dialog box appears with the new barcode in the Barcode box.

To make items easier to search for and find, type OTF in the Title or Call number boxes or add OTF to the call number field in the template.

  1. Type the title in the Title box.

Initial articles, such as A, An, or The, are not observed when OTF titles are indexed. It may be advisable not to enter initial articles when typing a title.

  1. Type a call number in the Call number box, if appropriate.
  2. Type an author in the Author box (optional).
  3. If you want to type a note, type the information in the Free text block.
  4. Review the default settings in the remaining boxes and change them, if necessary.

By default, Set OTF Block is checked. When this option is selected, and a previously uncataloged OTF item is checked in, a block message notifies you that it requires full cataloging. You can override the block to check in the item and allow it to circulate. However, the item will be blocked at circulation until it is fully cataloged, or until you save the item record and choose to stop blocking the item. When the block is cleared, the First Available Date fields for the item and linked bibliographic records are set.

  1. Click OK to submit your settings.

If Set OTF Block is checked, you see a message indicating that the item was created on-the-fly and requires full cataloging. Click OK to continue. The item is created with the Polaris-assigned block.

If Set OTF Block was checked, the item will be blocked at circulation until it is fully cataloged, or until you save the item record. Upon saving the record, a prompt appears. Click No to stop blocking the item.

The Check Out workform appears with the item information in the Items Checked Out list. The status bar indicates that the checkout was successful.