Bound-With Holds

When a user attempts to place a hold request that is a constituent of a bound-with group, the settings for the host item control whether the request can be granted. For example, a user attempts to place a hold on a constituent bibliographic item or record, but is unable to do so because of the setting configuration. This is due to the settings for this item being determined by the host bibliographic item or record.

A count of hold requests equals the number of holds placed on the host bibliographic item, and not the constituent item.

Placing a Request in the PAC and Mobile PAC

When a user places an item-level hold in the PowerPAC or Mobile PAC for a constituent title, the request is placed for the host, and the following message alerts the user that they are requesting a title that is part of a bound-with group: “This item is bound with the title [Title, Author]. Your request will be listed under that title.”


When a user places a bibliographic-level hold in the PowerPAC or Mobile PAC for a constituent title, the request is placed for the host bib, and the following message alerts the user that they are requesting a title that is part of a bound-with group: “The requested title: [Constituent Title] is bound with the title: [Host Title].”


The text for these messages can be edited in Polaris WebAdmin.

Although the hold request for the constituent title is actually placed on the host record, the constituent’s title and author is printed on notices and hold slips.

When a user places either a bibliographic-level or item-level hold request for the host record, the host’s title information displays, and the request is placed as usual without any note about the constituent titles.

Placing a Request in the Staff Client

Upon placing a hold within the Polaris staff client for a constituent title, the user is notified with a message that the item is linked to a host bibliographic record and the request will be listed under that title. Because no item records are linked to a constituent record, item-level requests are not possible for constituent titles.

For both bibliographic and item-level requests from the host entry, the behavior and displays—for example blocks when placing, request routing and trapping—are no different from normal request behaviors.

Duplicate Detection for Hold Requests

To ensure a user does not place a hold on two different pamphlets within the same physical volume, additional functionality exists for duplicate detection.

If a request is placed on either a host or any constituent titles, that request is considered a duplicate if:

Hold Request Workform Data and Display

When a request is placed for a constituent part, the Constituent title and Constituent author fields are populated in the hold request workform. Furthermore, if a request is placed for a constituent, the result set displays the constituent title. If a request is placed for a host title, the result set displays the host title. When fields within the workform do not apply to the item, they are greyed out and unavailable for data entry.


Items within the Hold Queue workform display will have bwholdqueicon.gif placed next to the item, to identify requests on constituent parts. Additionally, if a constituent title is requested within the staff client, a note is added to the Hold Request workform in the PAC display field.


This note displays within the PAC as well, in the designated PAC display note field.


Searching Hold Requests and the Hold Request Queue

Using the hold request find tool, a title search for a constituent title will retrieve any hold requests placed for the title. It will not include requests placed directly for the host. If the host title is searched, the result list includes all requests placed for the host and any placed directly for constituents.

The hold request queue workform header displays both the host information and the constituent title and author if the workform is accessed through any of the following methods:


Within the Holds queue the bound-with icon bwholdqueicon00027.gif will display to indicate the request is placed on a constituent part. The icon overrides other icons that may display, such as the Borrow by mail or item-request icon. The icon displays in the following listviews: