Additional INN-Reach Request Processing for the Polaris Lending Library

The INN-Reach integration also handles the following situations:

See also: Additional INN-Reach request processing for the borrowing library.

INN-Reach hold is canceled

When a remote patron or staff member from a participating library cancels an INN-Reach hold request before it is filled, an INN-Reach API message is sent to the Polaris library, which automatically deletes the item-level hold in Polaris.

INN-Reach hold is denied

If the lending library decides to override the INN-Reach request and let their local patron check out the item instead, the staff member denies the hold, and an Owning Site Cancels Request INN-Reach API message is sent to INN-Reach.

INN-Reach then attempts to find another item in the Central Catalog that will fill the request. If another item is found, a hold is placed on that item. If another item cannot be found, INN-Reach Central sends a Cancel Request INN-Reach API message which cancels the request at the patron's borrowing library.

INN-Reach will never choose an item from the same server as the original item that was previously denied. If there are items within that library that can alternately fill the request, it is expected that the staff member at the lending library would use Fill Now to fill the request with another item instead of denying it.

Deletion or status change decontributes item from the INN-Reach Central Catalog

The items your library has contributed to the INN-Reach Central Catalog are modified or decontributed to the Central Catalog based on circulation and cataloging updates to these records in the local Polaris database. When an INN-Reach hold request is placed on an item, but before the item is shipped from the Polaris library, the item is deleted or a status change in Polaris causes its de-contribution in the Central Catalog, a Deny Hold message is sent to INN-Reach Central.

Fill Now is used to substitute an item for the one requested

The library cannot find the exact item requested, so a staff member uses the Fill Now option on the Hold Request workform to replace the item with another copy. The staff member scans the replacement item's barcode. If the item is linked to the same bib (the Bibliographic Control Number is the same is the original request), belongs to the same agency as the original request, and has been contributed to the INN-Reach Central Catalog, an INN-Reach Transfer Request API message is sent to the borrowing library. The request status and replacement item status are updated to Held and the INN-Reach pickup slip is printed. The item call number is added to the Item Shipped message.

If the new item is not linked to the same bib as the original request or does not belong to the same agency as the original request, the Fill Now function is blocked and a message is displayed.

Lending library receives an Item is Renewed message from the borrowing library

When a borrowing library's patron renews an item that belongs to your library, a Borrower Renew INN-Reach API message is sent to your Polaris library system, which automatically renews the item in Polaris. If there are renewal limits or charges set for your Polaris library, they are ignored.

Lending library renews an item

In the rare case where a Polaris lending library renews an INN-Reach item from the Polaris staff client or Leap, an Owner Renew INN-Reach API message with the updated due date and time is sent to the borrowing library.

The due date for an INN-Reach item is calculated when the borrowing library receives the item and has no bearing on the due date of the item once it is checked out from the borrowing library to that library's patron. Auto-renewal is disabled for the lending library's items checked out to virtual patrons.

Lending library receives a Patron Claims Returned message from the borrowing library

When a Polaris lending library receives a Patron Claims Returned INN-Reach API message from the borrowing library, a claim is created in the virtual patron's record, and the item's status is set to Claimed Returned. If the item is found and returned to the lending library, the usual INN-Reach processing commences. If the lending library receives an In-Transit or a Return Uncirculated message for an item that was previously claimed, the claim is deleted.