Creating an RBdigital Integrated Vendor Account

The RBdigital (integrated) Vendor node appears in the Polaris Administration Explorer only when your library has a license for RBdigital. RBdigital supports multiple accounts, such as a parent (shared) account and individual child accounts with titles and copies exclusively for patrons registered at specific branches.

Your Site Manager will assist you in creating a RBdigital vendor account.

To create an RBdigital vendor account:

  1. Select Administration > Explorer > Vendor.

  1. Expand the Vendors node to display all the eContent vendors.

  1. Right-click RBdigital (integrated), and select New.

The Vendor Account workform appears.

  1. Type the name for the RBdigital account in the Vendor account name box.
  2. Type the description for the account in the Vendor account description box.
  3. If your library is using a resource group for this vendor account, select it in the Resource group box.
  4. Type the URL for the RBdigital icon in the Icon URL box.
  5. Type the contract ID in the Vendor contract ID box.
  6. Type in the Vendor account server name box.

The firewall must allow access to over port 443.

  1. Select Yes in the Vendor account use SSL box.
  2. Select Integrated eContent bibs (without items) in the Vendor account import profile ID box.
  3. Type the library-specific URL in the Library RBdigital URL box.

  1. Save the Vendor Account workform.