Check out and download OverDrive eContent from Mobile PAC

A patron who is logged into Mobile PAC can check out and immediately download or access OverDrive integrated eContent without going to the OverDrive app.

The patron selects Check Out from the title display in Mobile PAC.

The Check Out view opens.

The patron selects the format in the Format drop-down list box and selects the Check Out button.

A message confirms that the check-out occurred, and the Get Title drop-down list contains the download formats for the eContent.

The patron selects the format for download in the Get Title drop-down list box. The OverDrive eContent is downloaded in the format the patron selected without the patron having to go to the OverDrive app.

Or, the patron can navigate away from the page without getting the title, and then download or access the eContent later from the Items Out list or from the OverDrive app.

The patron selects an option in the Get title list, and the eContent is downloaded to the patron's phone or device.