Shared cloudLink Titles Display in the PAC

The cloudLibrary integration creates bibliographic records for titles owned by libraries within the Polaris database. These titles will display in the PAC and use the cloudLibrary API to display availability and holds. For cloudLink libraries, the availability and hold information is based on the entire cloudLink group. If the title within the cloudLink group is not owned by a library in the Polaris database, it will only be available to patrons from the cloudLibrary app.

Resource groups can be used with cloudLibrary integration to suppress eContent titles for different vendor accounts. However, cloudLink customers may want to disable the Honor Resource Groups in PAC search results setting because the real-time availability of items in a shared collection may change.

Hold Requests for cloudLibrary Titles Displayed in the PAC

The real-time holds count displayed for cloudLibrary titles has been updated to consider cloudLink libraries. The previous holds count displayed the total of all requests in the holds queue. With a cloudLink system, this can give patrons an incorrect impression regarding the wait time for a title.

If the vendor account ID (connection branch or patron's branch) being used to view the holds count owns a copy of the title, the count will display onlly the holds for that library because that is the real wait time for that branch/patron.

If the vendor account ID (connection branch or patron's branch) being used to view the holds count does not own a copy of the title, the count will display the total holds for the cloudLink group.

For all cloudLibrary customers, the holds queue position will no longer display for cloudLibrary titles in PowerPAC or Mobile PAC.