Creating CloudLibrary eContent Import Profile(s)

These are suggestions for setting up the import profiles for cloudLibrary eContent processing; your Polaris site manager can assist you with setting up the import profiles to support your library’s specific needs.

The Integrated ebook Bibs import profile is a PolarisExec read-only import profile that enables eContent integration. It is selected by default in the cloudLibrary (formerly 3M Cloud Library) Vendor Account workform to enable automatic imports. Your library may copy and rename this import profile, and then select the renamed import profile in the Vendor Account workform, but the settings that create the resource entities must be retained. Before selecting an import profile other than the default Integrated ebook Bibs import profile in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account workform, consult with your Polaris site manager. See Automatic Import Profile Selected in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account.

Depending on your library’s processing workflow for cloudLibrary eContent, you may need to create an import profile to overlay cloudLibrary integrated eContent bibs with fully-cataloged bibs while retaining resource entities. See Overlaying cloudLibrary eContent Bibs.

If your library has existing non-integrated cloudLibrary eContent bibliographic records, delete them from the database, and delete any linked items. However, if you want to preserve cataloging work that was done for these non-integrated titles, you can export the bibs to a file, and then re-import them after the synch process has created the integrated eContent bibs.