cloudLibrary™ Added/Expired Copies

The API consumer service queries cloudLibrary (formerly 3M Cloud Library) daily and synchronizes the number of eContent item records for each resource entity, either adding or removing eContent item records as necessary. For details on the synch process, see EContent Vendor and Polaris Synchronization.

The item records are populated from the fields in the Ebook automatic import item template selected in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account workform. Only one Ebook automatic import item template can be selected in the vendor account, but the incoming added copies could be for either ebooks or audio ebooks. Since the library may need to modify fields, such as the item material type, collection etc., the added copy item records are placed in a record set to make them easier to find and modify.

EContent item records created during added-copy processing are automatically added to record sets. Each vendor account has only one system-supplied record set for added copies, named following this pattern:

E-added copies_VendorAccountName_ID=nnn 

If necessary, the vendor account name is truncated to fit the 50-character record set name limit, and the vendor account ID follows the name.

E-added copies_3M_ID=10

The record set owner is the same as the Ebook automatic import item template owner. If the owner is changed, a new system-generated record set with the correct owner is automatically created the next time the added copy process runs. If the record set is deleted or renamed, a new one is created automatically. A staff member with the appropriate permissions can bulk change the item records in the record set. After making the changes, the records should be removed from the record set.
