Integrating New Axis 360 Bibs (Pre-Order)

If your library creates Polaris purchase orders for Axis 360 eContent titles by downloading bibs from Baker & Taylor’s Title Source 3 (TS3), importing the downloaded bibs, and then bulk-adding them to the purchase order, you can continue to use this workflow for integrated Axis 360 eContent records. At this point in the process, the records downloaded from TS3 are “placeholder” bib records for pre-publication titles or for published titles that have not been ordered yet. These records are not fully cataloged and lack the 856 tags that link to the eContent and enable the integration with Polaris.

Therefore, if your library uses TS3 for selecting and downloading Axis 360 records, your TS3 MARC Profile List must be set up first to supply the following sub-fields in the 037 tags of the downloaded Axis 360 records:

See Set up the Baker & Taylor TS3 MARC Profile List.

When the files containing these 037 tags are imported using an import profile with Axis 360 selected in the Vendor Account field, 856 tags are constructed during import initialization using the data in these 037 tags and data from the selected Axis 360 vendor account. The constructed 856 tags follow this pattern:

856 40 ‡u{contractID}{string from 037 a subfield}‡3{Default URL link text string from vendor account}‡x{contractID}

During the import process, these constructed 856 tags are used to create the resource entities in the bibliographic records. See Resource Entities. No item records are created because the titles have not yet been ordered.

When releasing the purchase order, the user must not create on-order items because the eContent item records are created by the overnight sync process after the titles have been purchased.

See also:

Import Axis 360 eContent Bibs Downloaded from TS3