Enter Community Subjects in the Staff Client

To enter information on the Subjects tabbed page of the Community Record workform:

  1. Open the Community Record workform.
  2. Select the Subjects tab.

The Subjects tab appears.


  1. Click New Subject to add a subject, or select a subject and click the Open button to edit an existing subject.

The Add a new subject or Edit subject dialog box appears.


For more information about the MARC Community Information format, see:

  1. Select a subject type in the Subject type box and indicators in the Indicator One and Indicator Two boxes, if applicable.
  2. Type a heading in the Heading box.
  3. Select the appropriate subfield codes, and type the text for the subfield.

Headings in community records (names and subjects) are not under authority control. The drop-down lists for indicator and subfield values are populated automatically depending on what tag was selected. If you select a value in the Select a subfield code box, enter text in the text entry box, but then select a different tag, the text you entered in the subfield text box remains, but the value in the drop-down may be "de-selected" if it is not valid for the new tag. If you then try to save the record, an error message tells you that a subfield code must be entered with subfield text.

  1. Add more subjects as needed, and click OK.
  1. Select File > Save.

Viewing Community Subjects in the PAC