Edit an Events Import Profile

To edit an existing events import profile:

  1. Open the Events Import Manager dialog box. See Access the event import profile manager.
  2. Double-click the existing event import profile.

The Events Import Profile Editor window opens.

  1. Edit the import profile following the instructions in Create a new events import profile.

You cannot search for and select a different organization for the event import.

  1. Click one of these buttons:
    • Save - Saves the changes to the event import profile.
    • Close - A message box asks if you want to save the changes. Click Yes to save the changes, click No to close the window without saving, or click Cancel to return to the Event Import Profile window.

If you saved the import profile, the next time the API consumer service runs, the system applies the changes to the new events imported for this profile.

If a single event is updated in Evanced or Plymouth Rocket - EventKeeper, the corresponding Polaris Event record must be deleted and re-imported, or updated manually.