Copying MARC Records

You can locate bibliographic or authority records in remote databases (such as the Polaris ZMARC database) and copy them into the Polaris database. To search a remote database, it must be configured in Polaris Administration and identified for your organization in the Search Database policy table. See Controlling Database Access in the Staff Client. To subscribe to the Polaris ZMARC database, contact your Polaris Site Manager.

If you want to remove specific MARC tags from remote records when they are saved to your library’s local database, the tags must be defined in the Bibliographic Tags to Retain/Delete policy table, and the Delete MARC tags when saving Z39.50 records to local database profile must be set to Yes. See Deleting MARC Tags from Incoming Bibs.

To copy bibliographic or authority control records from a remote database:


When you are copying records, you should always check for potential duplicates that may exist in your database, and you should check the format and headings.

  1. From the Polaris Shortcut Bar, select Cataloging and select Bibliographic Records or Authority Records

The Polaris Find Tool appears.

  1. In the Search by box, select the access point by which to find the record.


You can search for a 10-digit or 13-digit ISBN. The search process checks for a matching ISBN in the 020 tag and in the 024 tag with a 3 in the first indicator.

  1. Select the type of search in the Type box.

The target database may not allow some of the Find Tool search types. Many remote catalogs support only keyword searches. Also, sorting search results may not work with remote databases. See Results Returned from Remote Databases.

  1. Type the description of the item in the For box.


Implicit truncation is not supported when searching remote databases. End the search for text with the wild card symbol (*) if you are unsure of an exact match. For example, type Asimov, Isaac*.

  1. Select Databases to display the remote databases.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the remote database or databases you want to search.
  3. Click Search to start the catalog search.

A dialog box appears with a list of the bibliographic records in the selected database that match your query.

  1. Double-click the record, or right-click and select Open from the context menu.

The selected record appears in the Bibliographic Record or the Authority Record workform. The Record status and Control Number boxes are blank because this record does not yet belong to your Polaris catalog.

  1. Do the following checks as needed:


These checks are automatically done when you save the record as final. You do not necessarily need to do these checks as part of your workflow.

  1. Make changes to the record as needed.
  1. Select File > Save, press CTRL+S, or click savebut.gif to save your record.

Polaris checks the MARC 21 format and headings, and checks for any duplicate records. If no errors are found, Record was saved successfully appears in the status bar. If any problems are listed, correct the problems as directed by your library cataloging policy to finish saving the record. When the record is saved, a control number and record status are assigned automatically.

Results Returned from Remote Databases

Most Likely to Return Results May Not Be Indexed in Target Catalog
(Less Likely to Return results)

All indexed fields (both searches)

Author (bibliographic search) Dewey Classification
Heading (authority search) General Notes
ISBN (bibliographic search) Genre
ISSN (bibliographic search) Gov Doc Classification
LCCN (both searches) LC Classification
Series (bibliographic search) NAL Classification
Subject (bibliographic search) NLC Classification
Title (bibliographic search) NLM Classification
Tracing/Reference (authority) Other system control number
Publisher's Number
UDC Classification

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