Set Label Profiles

Polaris Administration profiles on the Staff Client tab control various default settings for labels, such as whether labels are printed automatically when item records are created. Use the Labels: Options profile to configure existing label types and specify the label content.

To set profiles for spine, pocket, and serial labels:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, expand the organization’s folder.
  2. Select Profiles and select the Staff Client tab.
  3. Double-click Label Manager open using and select Cataloging Options or Serial Options to specify which type of label appears when you open Label Manager from the Utilities menu on the Polaris Shortcut Bar.
  • If you select Cataloging Options, the cataloging label displays according to the setting in the Labels: Cataloging label type profile.
  • If you select Serial Options, the serial label is displayed according to the setting in the Labels: Serial label type profile.
  1. Double-click Labels: Automatically generate labels for each item record created. Select Yes to generate labels automatically when items are created, or No if you do not want labels to be generated automatically.
  2. Double-click Labels: Automatically generate labels for each SO and SUBS check-in. Select Yes to set labels to be generated automatically when issues or parts are checked in, or No if you do not want labels to be generated automatically.
  3. Double-click Labels: Cataloging label type, and select the default label type to be generated when cataloging items.

The label types must be enabled for them to appear in this list. See Set up existing label types.

  1. Double-click Labels: Cataloging print method, and select On Demand > Batch, or Quick Print as the default printing method for cataloging labels.
    • If On Demand is selected, the Label Manager appears when the user requests a label and the user can view the label before printing it.
    • If Batch is selected, the label is generated when the user requests a label, but it is not printed until the user opens Label Manager and selects Print. The Batch option works well for creating sheets of labels for multiple items.

Batch printing is limited to 500 labels at a time.

  • If Quick Print is selected, the label is printed at the designated printer without opening the Label Manager.

You can also select Utilities from the Polaris Shortcut Bar and select Label Manager > Tools > Label Settings and Content to open the Label Configuration dialog box.

  1. Double-click Setup in the Labels: Options profile to modify existing labels, specify the label content, and create custom labels. The Label Configuration dialog box appears. See Set up existing label types.

This profile is available at the workstation level, but only the Settings tab appears. Both the Settings and Content tabs are available at the system, library, and branch levels.

  1. Double-click Labels: Serial label type, and select the default label type for serials issues.
  2. Double-click Labels: Serial print method, and select On Demand > Batch, or Quick Print to specify how you want serial labels to print.
    • If On Demand is selected, the Label Manager appears when the user requests a label and the user can view the label before printing it.
    • If Batch is selected, the label is generated when the user requests a label, but it is not printed until the user opens Label Manager and selects Print. The Batch option works well for creating sheets of labels for multiple issues or parts.

Batch printing is limited to 500 labels at a time.

  • If Quick Print is selected, the label is printed at the designated printer without opening the Label Manager.
  1. To specify a carriage return in the classification number, do the following:

For Dewey shelving scheme -

  • To force a new line after a decimal in the classification number on spine labels, double-click Spine Labels (Dewey): Carriage return after decimal, and select Yes.

The prime marks must be inserted with the contents in the Class box on the Item Record workform.

  • To specify a character that forces a new line in the classification number, double-click Spine Labels (Dewey): Prime mark to generate carriage return, and select one of the following options from the list:
    • Select None to ignore any prime marks.
    • Select Forward Slash / to start a new line wherever this prime mark is placed in the classification number.
    • Select Apostrophe ' to start a new line wherever this prime mark is placed in the classification number.

For Library of Congress or other non-Dewey shelving scheme-

  • To force a new line after a space in the classification number, set the Spine Labels (non-Dewey): Carriage return after space profile to Yes.