Use the Administration Explorer

The Administration Explorer is a hierarchical list of administration records available from the Administration menu on the Polaris Shortcut Bar. You use the Explorer to navigate among organizations, staff members, and workstations and select a record to modify.

The Administration Explorer is divided into two views. The left part of the Explorer displays a list of administration levels and tables in a tree view. Plus signs (+) on the tree indicate that the administration level has linked or associated data. You can click a plus sign to display the subfolders for the administration level. The right part of the Administration Explorer displays the values and settings related to a selection in the tree view. For example, if you select the system organization in the tree view at the left, general information about the system organization is displayed on the right.

To display the Administration Explorer:

  1. Log on to the Polaris staff client.
  2. Select Administration from the Polaris Shortcut Bar to display the Administration menu.

On the toolbar, click AquaOrb.gif then click dSysExIcon.gif to display the Administration Explorer.

  1. Select Explorer from the Administration menu. The Explorer submenu appears.

  1. Select the type of record to display in the tree view of the Administration Explorer:

If you open the Explorer at the System level, you use the Polaris Find Tool to select and add records to display in the tree view for staff members, workstations, and collections. For an example of this procedure, see List staff members in the Explorer.

The Administration Explorer appears. The title bar of the Explorer displays the level you selected.

You can view organization ID values in Polaris Administration. In the Administration Explorer, right-click an organization and select Properties from the context menu. Select the About tab on the Properties dialog box. Polaris system ID number identifies the organization ID.

  1. Work with administration records using any of these methods:
  1. To quit working with the Explorer, click File, Close on the Explorer menu bar.