Specifying Report Servers

Polaris uses SQL Server Reporting Services for reports, notices, and most printing tasks in the staff client. Microsoft Report Manager and Report Web Service are installed on your Web “server,” which may be located on your Polaris Web server, a stand-alone report Web server, or another server you specify. Because report definitions, folders, and resources are published and managed as a Web service, SQL Server Reporting Services requires access to the Web server. You specify the URL for the report server and Reporting Services in Polaris Administration.

Report access and management are controlled with Reporting Services security. A Polaris Administration setting provides the option of using Windows authentication to streamline report security assignments. If you use a proxy server, you also specify the proxy server for use with reporting services in Polaris Administration.

You identify report and proxy servers with Staff Client profiles, available at the system, library, branch, and staff levels. If your Polaris system is used in a consortium, different servers can be specified for different organizations as appropriate.

See also: