Setting Administration Permissions

Administration permissions control access to the various workforms, tables, and controls needed to administer Polaris. Typically, Polaris administrators need the administration permissions. However, other staff members may require access to certain administration tables and controls to set up specific processes. For example, senior catalogers may require administration permissions related to MARC validation. To assign administration permissions, you must have the following permissions:

Most administration permissions are set at the system level. You can use the Security view at the system level on the Administration Explorer, or set the permissions from individual group, workstation, and staff member workforms.

Even with specific System Administration permissions set at the system level, you also need access permissions to an administration level (System: Access; Library: Access; Branch: Access) to change any parameters or profiles for those levels. However, granting access to any level allows administration access to all organizations at that level, so be cautious in assigning administrative permissions. For large installations, you may need to distribute the work load, but you should limit access to system-level administration to only a few people. Other administrators can do most administration functions with access limited to the Library or Branch administration levels.

You may want to add the primary Polaris administrators to the Administrators group, in case the Polaris SuperUser logon is unavailable. The Administrators group has all permissions.

See also: