Policy Tables Reference

Policy Table Name Description Organization Levels

Provides a standard set of addresses for use in all the organization records that include street addresses. See Setting Organization Addresses.

System, Library, Branch
Aeon Special Collection Locations

Specifies the shelf locations that are designated as Aeon special collection locations. If an item owned by the organization is assigned a shelf location that is an Aeon special collection location, patrons must place a request to view the item in a reading room.

If you do not want to designate any special collection locations for an organization, select (None).

For more information, see Aeon Special Collection Locations Policy Table.

System, Library, Branch

Authority Overlay Retention

Specifies tags to retain when an existing authority record is overlaid with a new one.

System, Library, Branch

Authority Record Import: Preferred Cataloging Source

Lists the codes for cataloging sources the organization considers to be valid sources for authority records. If this table is empty, any imported authority record with any code in tag 040 $a is considered to come from a preferred cataloging source A code stored in tag 040 $a that tells who created the record. These codes are governed by the MARC code list for libraries..

System, Library, Branch

Bibliographic Tags to Retain/Delete

Specifies tags to retain when an existing bibliographic record is overlaid with a new one. It is also used to specify tags to delete from incoming new bibliographic records whether or not the incoming records are duplicates of existing records.

System, Library, Branch

Claim Reasons

Defines the standard claim reasons that can be selected in the Reason box on the Claim workform.

System, Library, Branch

Contact Persons

Provides a standard list of contact people for use in all the organization records that require contact information. The table entries are displayed as options in the Primary and Alternate contact boxes on the organization workforms. See Identifying Organization Contacts.

System, Library, Branch


Defines the postal code lengths and styles for the countries in which the library sends mail. Defines the default list of available countries in the self-registration portion of PAC. See Setting System Postal Codes.

System, Library, Branch

Course Reserves: Course Names

Licensed feature. Associates the organizations (branches) with the course numbers, section numbers, course names, and course abbreviations for which the branches handle course reserves.

System, Library, Branch

Course Reserves: Course Terms

Licensed feature. Associates the organizations (branches) with the course terms, course start dates, and course end dates for which the branches handle course reserves.

System, Library, Branch

Course Reserves: Departments

Licensed feature. Associates the organizations (branches) with the academic departments for which the branches handle course reserves.

System, Library, Branch

Course Reserves: School/Divisions

Licensed feature. Associates the organizations (branches) with the academic schools or divisions for which the branches handle course reserves. System, Library, Branch

Cross Reference Display Constants

Specifies the labels that identify cross-references in PAC browse search results.

System, Library, Branch


Specifies foreign currencies used in Acquisitions processing. All organizations use the settings in this table.

System, Library, Branch

Dates Closed

Lists dates that an organization is closed when it otherwise would be open for business (for example, holidays). See Identifying Dates Closed.

You specify the days of the week when a branch is ordinarily closed, such as Sunday, with the Patron Services parameter Hours of operation.

System, Library, Branch

Fee Descriptions

At the system level, this table defines and standardizes fee descriptions, default fee amounts, and if a fee includes a tax rate. Entries in this table display as selections on views and dialog boxes where you transact charges for patrons. Entries in this table also display as Fee Reasons in Leap.

At the branch level, the table offers options to select or suppress descriptions in the list of fee reasons displayed to branch staff members, and to set the display order of the list.

System, Library, Branch

Fine Codes

Defines fine codes, which represent the various fine policies used in combination with patron codes to determine fine amounts. Fine codes are displayed as selections in the Fines policy table and in the Fine code box on the Item Record workform. System, Library, Branch


Specifies fine amounts, based on the patron code of the person being charged and the fine code assigned to the item. System, Library, Branch

Floating: Collection Limits

Limits the number of floating items a branch can receive for a collection. See Limit the number of floating items a branch can receive for a collection.

System, Library, Branch

Floating: To Branch

Specifies what branches may receive items from the home branch.

System, Library, Branch

Floating: Material Types

Specifies what material types may not float from the home branch, even if some items are part of a floating collection. System, Library, Branch

Floating: Material Type Limits

Specifies how many items of the same title (attached to the same bibliographic record) and of a specific material types the receiving branch is willing to accept. System, Library, Branch

Fund Categories

Defines donation fund categories for the acquisitions budget. System, Library, Branch
Hold Pickup Areas Defines the pickup areas within the pickup location that patrons and staff can select from when placing a hold. System, Library, Branch

Holds Routing Sequences Primary

Determines whose items can be trapped An item is said to be trapped for a hold when an item that fills a request is scanned at circulation and the system links the item to a specific request, either automatically or by displaying a message that prompts you for a decision. at circulation to fill a request, and specifies the RTF Requests-To-Fill or RTF processing sends hold requests to designated libraries in a specified order. A library chooses to fill or deny the request. The request is routed until it is filled, it expires, or every library denies it. routing sequences of hold requests from the requester branch to other branches.

System, Library, Branch

Holds Routing Sequences Secondary

Optional. You can set up a secondary RTF routing sequence with this table, to be used after a request has gone through the primary routing sequence. System, Library, Branch
Increased Check-out Limits

Defines the number of additional items that an enabled patron can check out from specific material types.

See "Increasing Check-out Limits by Branch" in the Leap help for more information on this feature.


Initial Articles

Specifies words that can be stripped from the beginning of Find Tool exact match search strings. See Defining Leading Articles. System, Library, Branch

Item Availability Display Order

Specifies the branches listed as Local and System and the order in which they are listed in the PAC item availability display. System, Library, Branch

Item Statistical Class Codes


Defines item statistical codes, useful for creating specific circulation reports an organization may require. Find Tool searches for item records can be limited by statistical code, and they are displayed for selection in the Statistical code box on the Item Record workform. System, Library, Branch

Link to Supplier Databases

Defines suppliers’ names and URLs to list when users select Utilities, Link to supplier databases from the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

System, Library, Branch

Loan Period Codes

Defines loan period codes, which are the names assigned to the various loan periods established by each organization. They are used in combination with patron codes to calculate due dates and fine amounts. System, Library, Branch

Loan Periods

Defines loan periods, which specify how long an item can be checked out based on the loan period code assigned to the item and the patron code of the person checking out the item. System, Library, Branch

MARC Language Scoping Display

Identifies the languages that display as options for limiting staff client and/or PAC searches to material published in specific languages. System, Library, Branch

Material Types

Names the various material types held by the library and the minimum age required to checkout or place a hold on those items. Material types are used in determining loan periods and lending limit blocks, and in generating statistics.

System, Library, Branch

NCIP Medium Types: Incoming

Maps NCIP Medium to Polaris item material types for incoming requests, and is used for requests where the Polaris library is the borrower. This table allows the library to create ILL items with different material types. System

NCIP Medium Types: Outgoing

Maps the library’s Polaris item material types to NCIP medium types and is used for requests where the Polaris library is the lender. System

NCIP User Privilege Types

Maps Polaris patron codes to NCIP standard public and/or academic user privilege types. System

NCIP Fiscal Action Types

Maps NCIP fiscal action types to patron account transaction types in Polaris.


NCIP Payment Types

Maps NCIP payment types to Polaris payment methods. System

Outreach: Delivery Mode

Licensed feature. Sets the possible methods by which your organization delivers items to outreach services patrons. Each method you specify will appear as a selectable option in the Patron Delivery Options dialog box (Patron Status workform - Reader Services view). The method will also appear as an option for filtering the patron list in the Outreach Services Manager when outreach services processing is done for multiple patrons. System, Library, Branch

Outreach: Delivery Route/Stops

Licensed feature. Defines delivery routes and specifies stops along the routes. Each route you specify will appear as a selectable option in the Patron Delivery Options dialog box (Patron Status workform - Reader Services view). The route will also appear as an option for filtering the patron list in the Outreach Services Manager when outreach services processing is done for multiple patrons. System, Library, Branch

Outreach: Disability

Licensed feature. Optional. Defines the options staff can select to note an outreach patron’s disability in the patron’s record. Each disability description you specify will appear as a selectable option in the Patron Preferences dialog box (Patron Status workform - Reader Services view). System, Library, Branch

Outreach: Equipment

Licensed feature. Optional. Defines the options staff can select to specify a special equipment need for an outreach patron. Each equipment description you specify will appear as a selectable option in the Patron Preferences dialog box (Patron Status workform - Reader Services view). System, Library, Branch

Outreach: Excluded Circ Statuses

Licensed feature. Sets the item circulation statuses that should be excluded from outreach selection list processing. System, Library, Branch

Outreach: Included Branches

Licensed feature. Sets the branch items that should be included in outreach selection list processing. Works with the Patron Services parameter ORS: Include other library items in selection list processing. System, Library, Branch

Outreach: Pick List Headers

Licensed feature. Specifies the column heads for outreach services pick lists, and the order in which they appear on the workform. System, Library, Branch

PAC Community Limit By Display

Specifies which filters, if any, are displayed for selection in the Limit by list for PAC community keyword searches. You also use this table to define and edit your own filters, and to specify which selection is at the top of the PAC community keyword Limit by list. System, Library, Branch

PAC Limit By Display

Specifies which formats/types of material, if any, are displayed for selection in the Limit by list in PowerPAC and in Mobile PAC’s advanced search. You also use this table to define and edit your own filters, and to specify which selection is at the top of the PAC Limit by list. System, Library, Branch

Patron/Material Type Loan Limit Blocks

Defines loan and request limit blocks based on combinations of patron codes and material types. System, Library, Branch

Patron Block Descriptions

Defines the standard patron blocks available as selections in the Library assigned box on the New Block dialog box (Patron Status workform). At the branch level, you can also designate which of these triggers a line of text in the PAC patron account summary. System, Library, Branch

Patron Codes

Defines patron codes that are typically assigned to patrons when they register. Patron codes define available services, loan periods, fines, and limits for specific classes of patrons. They are also used for reports. System, Library, Branch

Patron Statistical Class Codes

Defines patron statistical codes that are useful for demographic or other reports. You can limit Find Tool searches for patron records by statistical class (code), and they are displayed for selection in the Statistical class box on the Patron Registration workform. System, Library, Branch

Payment Methods

Sets the payment method options available in the staff client for accepting payments on patron accounts. System, Library, Branch

Search Databases

Lists the databases available for Find Tool searches in the staff client for each organization. At the branch level, you can open the table for a specific branch and delete any database you do not want to display in the Find Tool for that branch. See Controlling Database Access in the Staff Client. System, Library, Branch

SelfCheck Material Types

Associates Polaris material types with self-check media types for SIP self-check units.

System, Library, Branch

SIP Payment Types

This table is pre-filled with SIP payment types that cannot be modified. You can select the Polaris payment method to map to the SIP payment type. See Modify the SIP payment types mapping.


User Defined Hold Not Supplied Reasons

Defines the possible reasons that staff members can select when denying a hold request. System, Library, Branch
User Defined Due Date Modification Reasons Defines the possible reasons staff members can select when changing an item's due date in the Polaris Leap application. System, Library, Branch
User Defined Waiver Request Reasons Defines the possible reasons staff members can select when submitting a waiver request for a patron in the Polaris Leap application. System, Library, Branch