Automatically Close Purchase Orders

The Close Purchase Orders SQL job will close purchase orders automatically if the Polaris Administration Acquisitions parameter, Automatically close purchase orders, is set to Yes. This parameter is available at the System, Library, and Branch organization levels, and it is set to No by default. See Enable the Close Purchase Order job.

When the job runs, purchase orders are closed if: the Automatically close purchase orders parameter is set to Yes for the purchase order’s Ordered at organization; the purchase order has a type of Firm, Gift or Donation; all line items have a status of Received, Canceled or Partly Received; and all segments have a status of Canceled or Received. See

The Close Purchase Orders job does not affect standing order An order placed with a vendor or the publisher directly for all publications in a series, all volumes in a set, or all publications of a single publisher. or subscription purchase orders or purchase order lines that have a status of On Order, Backordered, Exceptional Condition, Never Published, Out of Print, Return Requested, Returned, Pending Claim or Claimed.

Users can continue to manually close purchase orders when the lines are received but not yet paid (still encumbered). When a user manually closes a line item, a message informs the user that one or more lines have been received, but not yet paid and provides the option for the user to select Yes to continue to close the purchase order or No to cancel the closure. With the SQL job, any eligible purchase order will be closed automatically.

Purchase Order Transactions and Transaction Subtypes

The following information is recorded and available in the transaction database for a Purchase order closed transaction:

Supplier ID of the closed PO (SUPPLIER_ID)

Purchase Order number (without suffix) (PO_NUMBER)

Order type (ORDER_TYPE)

Payment method (PAYMENT_METHOD)

Purchase Order ID that was deleted (PURCHASE_ORDER_ID)

Purchase order’s Ordered At Org (Branch)

User ID for the user who closed the purchase order or PolarisExec if the purchase order was closed automatically