Acquisitions Parameters Reference

These parameters are available under Parameters > Acquisitions/Serials in System Administration.

Parameter Org Levels Description Default Setting
Bulk Add to PO: Add Alert to PO line item for multiple ISBNs System, Library, Branch Specifies whether the Alert checkbox is automatically checked for purchase order line items created from bulk added bibliographic records with more than one ISBN. The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

Bulk Add to PO/SL: Mark 970 data as processed

System, Library, Branch Specifies whether 970 tags in bibliographic records are marked as processed when used to create line item segments in a purchase order or selection list. This eliminates duplicate line item segments in a purchase order, which would prevent it from being released. The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

Bulk Add to PO: Replace invalid fields with default data

System, Library, Branch Specifies whether invalid data is replaced with default data when adding line items to a purchase order from a bibliographic record set. The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

Bulk Add to SL: Replace invalid fields with default data

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether invalid data is replaced with default data when adding line items to a selection list from a bibliographic record set.

The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

Copy last segment data to next segment

System, Library, Branch Specifies whether information from the previous purchase order or invoice line item segment automatically populates fields in the new segment. The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

Default payment option when paying/crediting invoices

System, Library, Branch Specifies the default payment option selected in the Check/Voucher dialog box when staff members pay, prepay, or credit an invoice. The default is Voucher.

Generate purchase order Number

System, Library, Branch Specifies whether Polaris automatically provides a purchase order number or the staff member enters the purchase order number when a purchase order is created. Be sure to specify the increment, prefix, and starting number for the Polaris-generated number The default is No; to enable, set to Yes.

Last used purchase order Number

System, Library, Branch Displays the number of the last purchase order produced by the selected organization. The number could be automatically generated or entered by a user.

This parameter is for information only; you cannot change the value.

Other charge description.

System, Library, Branch Use this parameter to rename the Other header charge type to be used in purchase orders and invoices to specify a charge for the purchase order or invoice as a whole (at the header, rather than line item level). When the Other charge type is renamed, the new name appears in the list of charge types on the Purchase Order and Invoice workforms on view 1. The default is Other

PO line item workslips: Batch print during ASN receiving .

System, Library, Branch Specifies whether purchase order line items can be printed in batch from the Receive ASN Shipments workform. The default is No; to enable, set to Yes

PO line item workslips: Print on-order item data

System, Library, Branch Specifies whether item data is printed on purchase order line item workslips. The default is Yes; to disable, set to No

Prefix for system generated purchase order number

System, Library, Branch Specifies the prefix for the Polaris-generated purchase order number. Each branch organization can specify a different prefix to uniquely identify the purchase order. This parameter is not required for Polaris to generate purchase order numbers.

No default value is assigned.

  System, Library, Branch    

Purchase order starting number

System, Library, Branch Specifies the number for the first generated purchase order number.

The default is 1.

Purchase order number increment System, Library, Branch

Specifies the numerical interval Polaris automatically assigns between sequential purchase order numbers. For example, if the increment is set to 10 and one PO number is 10080, the next number to be generated is 10090. Polaris begins incrementing from the number specified in the Purchase Order Starting Number parameter, or from the value specified in the Last Used Purchase Order Number parameter, whichever is greater.

The default is 1.

Transmit EDI files in passive mode FTP

System Specifies whether the transmission of EDI files is in active or passive mode. If this profile is set to Yes, all EDI orders, purchase order acknowledgments and invoices for all EDI suppliers will be transmitted in passive mode. If this profile is set to No, they will be transmitted in active mode. The default is Yes - for new Polaris installations. If the EDIAgent has been run before at your site, the default setting is No.