Acquisitions Permissions Reference

To do an acquisitions task, both the staff member and the workstation on which they are doing the task must have the permission. For more information on the set of permissions required to do specific Acquisitions tasks, see Acquisitions Workflow Permissions.

Control Record Org Levels Permissions Description
Access acquisitions System Allow Open Acquisitions workforms.
Adjust currency exchange rate System, Library Allow Update the currency exchange rates for enabled currencies.
Check in shelf ready materials System Allow Use the Check In Shelf Ready Materials workform to receive shelf-ready items.
Claim alert list System Access Process and manage Acquisitions claims.
Claim record Branch Access, Create, Modify, Delete Manage claiming.
Create a bib record from acquisitions and serials System Allow Create bibliographic records as part of acquisitions and serials processing.
Create and delete item record from acquisitions and serials System Allow Create and delete item records while performing acquisitions and serials tasks. This permission is required to automatically delete item record when deleting serials issues.
Export acquisitions data System Access Access the application to export acquisitions data from the Polaris ILS.
Fiscal Years Branch Access, Create, Modify, Delete Work with fiscal year records
Funds Branch Access, Create, Modify, Delete, Transfer money between funds. Maintain the budget accounts owned by the branch.
Invoices Branch Access, Create, Modify, Delete, Pay invoices exceeding fund expenditure limits, Pay, Undo payment, Credit, Print vouchers Maintain invoices owned by the branch.
Modify a bibliographic record from acquisitions and serials System Allow Modify bibliographic records as part of acquisitions and serials processing. With this permission, you can change the Display in PAC setting for bibliographic records linked to the line items when you release or cancel a purchase order. This permission alone does not allow you to open bibliographic records and modify the MARC data. To do this, you also need the Cataloging permission Bibliographic records: Modify.
Modify tax rates table System Allow Modify tax rates in the Tax Rates database table.
Process EDI invoices System Allow Use the Process EDI Invoices workform to display and process EDI invoices for partial shipments.
Purchase orders Branch Access; Change fund, destination, collection; Create; Delete; Delete cancelled orders; Modify; Print purchase orders; Print workslips; Release order exceeding fund encumbrance limits; Release order resulting in negative fund free balance; Release, receive, cancel, close PO; Send electronic purchase orders; Undo Receipt; Change fund, destination, collection Work with purchase orders at the branch at which the permissions were assigned.
Purge purchase orders and invoices System Allow Use the purge process to remove old purchase orders and invoices from the database.
Receive ASN Shipments System Allow Use the Receive ASN Shipment workform to receive shipments.
Run fiscal year utility System Allow Use the fiscal year utility to roll over fiscal years.
Selection List Line Item Segments Branch Access; Create; Modify; Delete Work with selection list line item segments for the branches at which the permission is granted.