Copy the Supplier’s Address

When you enter the supplier’s address in one view on the Supplier workform, you do not need to enter the information again. Instead, you can copy the supplier’s address from one view (Orders, Payments, or Claims) to another.

To copy the supplier’s address from one view of the supplier record to another:

  1. Open the Supplier workform.
  2. Select View > and select Orders> Payments or Claims on the Supplier workform.

The Orders, Payments, or Claims view appears.

  1. Click Copy to.

The Copy to context menu appears, listing the other views to which you can copy the address information.

  1. Choose one of the following options:
    • To copy the address to the Payments view, select Payment Address.
    • To copy the address to the Claims view, select Claiming Address.
    • To copy the address to the Orders view, select Ordering Address.
    • To copy the address to both of the other views, select Both.
  1. Select File > Save to save the record.