Copy a Purchase Order Line Item

When you copy a purchase order line item to create a new purchase order line item on the same purchase order, you can copy all the data including the bibliographic information and the distribution information (segments). Or, you can copy all the segment data only and enter new bibliographic information. You can also clear the purchase order line item workform and create a new blank line item.

To copy a purchase order line item in the same purchase order:

  1. Open the Purchase Order workform - Line Items view.
  2. Double-click a line item to open it in the Purchase Order Line Item workform.
  3. Select File > New or click the down arrow next to New.
  4. A menu appears.

    Press CTRL+N or click to copy the segment data.

  5. Select one of the following options to copy a purchase order line item:
    • Copy Segment Data - All the segments are copied to the next purchase order line item, but none of the bibliographic data is copied except the material type. The material type is copied along with the segment data if the profile Retain material type when copying segments is set to Yes in Polaris Administration. See Retain material type in copied line items.
    • Clear Workform - None of the information from the purchase order line item is copied. A new, blank Purchase Order Line Item workform appears.
    • Copy Workform - All the bibliographic information, the material type, and the segments are copied to the next purchase order line item.
  6. Important:
    When you select Copy Workform, and click Find to search for a bibliographic record, the search is based on the ISBN currently in the ISBN box. To search for a new bibliographic record, select (highlight) the existing ISBN and type a new ISBN in the box before clicking Find.

  7. Change the bibliographic and segment data as needed.
  8. Select File > Save, press CTRL+S, or click Save to save the line item.