View All Funds for the Invoice

You can link from the Invoice workform to see all the funds used in the invoice. Each distinct fund is listed only once even if it was used in multiple invoice line item segments.

To view a list of all the funds used in an invoice:

You can search for an invoice and link to the funds from the Find Tool results list without opening the invoice. Select the invoice in the results list, right-click and select Links > Funds. You can also link from any linked list box that displays invoices.

  1. Open the Invoice workform.
  2. Select Links > Funds.
  3. If the invoice is linked to only one fund, the Fund workform appears. If the invoice is linked to multiple funds, a linked list box displays the funds used in the invoice. This list includes the funds used to pay for charges at the invoice header level, such as shipping for the whole order, and funds used to pay for the materials at the invoice line item segment level. Each linked fund is listed only once.

  4. To open a fund displayed in the Linked Funds box, double-click it or right-click and select Open.
  5. The Fund workform appears.

    You can also see the fund hierarchy by right-clicking and selecting Explore.