Add or Change Invoice Header Charges and Credits

Header charges are the charges from the supplier that are not associated with any specific line item, such as shipping or cataloging charges for the whole order. They are posted against distinct funds and are not distributed across line item segments. You can enter header charges in the Purchase Order workform, but the exact amount is often not known until the invoice is received.

To enter or change header charges (or credits) that are associated with the entire invoice:

If the invoice is prepaid, you must create a linked invoice to adjust header charges. See Link an invoice to another invoice.

  1. Open the Invoice workform.
  2. Tip:
    Only one charge entry with one amount and one fund can be added for each charge type. For example, if you added a charge for Cataloging, the charge type of Cataloging no longer appears in the Charge Type list. If you need to split a charge so that two funds are used to pay for a charge, use the Other charge type.

  3. To add each header charge, or a header credit, do the following in the Header Charges section on the Invoice workform - General view:
    1. Select a charge type in the Charge Type box. To enter a credit, select the charge type Credit.
  4. Note:
    To change the charge type of Other to a more specific name, you can rename it using the Acq/Serials parameter Other charge type description. See Rename the purchase order and invoice header Other charge type.

  5. Type a dollar amount for the charge or credit in the Amount box.
  6. Select a fund to use for the header charge or credit in the Fund box. If the fund does not appear in the Fund list box, click Find to search for and select it using the Polaris Find Tool.
  7. Click Add to add the charge type, amount, and fund to the list box.
  8. Note:
    If you need to remove or change a charge type, select it in the list box and click Remove.

  9. Select File > Save to save the record.
  10. Note:
    Complete the invoice by following the steps in Adding Invoice Line Items.

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