Distribute Charges on an Open Invoice

Charges must be distributed one type at a time.

To distribute charges on an open invoice:

  1. Open the Invoice workform.
  2. Select Tools > Distribute > Charges from the menu bar.
  3. The Distribute Charges dialog box appears.

    For all the options on the Distribute Charges dialog box to be active, all the lines on the invoice must have been received.

  4. Indicate the charge type by selecting one of the following options:
    • Cataloging services
    • Special handling
    • Service
    • Shipping
    • Binding format
    • Other
  5. Select one of the following Action options:
    • Overwrite existing charge to replace the charge already entered in the line item, or if no charge was previously entered.
    • Add to existing charge to add the charge to the charges already entered.
  6. Choose one of the following Distribute options:
    • Select Evenly across line item segments to distribute the same charge amount to all the line segments for the invoice.
    • Select Based on total quantity received to apply the charges based on the quantity received in each segment.
  7. Type the amount to distribute in the Amount box, and click OK.
  8. A message asks you to confirm that you want to distribute the charges.

  9. Click OK to confirm that you want to distribute the charges.

The following events occur: