Credit Multiple Lines on an Invoice

To credit multiple lines on a paid, partially paid or prepaid invoice:

  1. Open the Invoice workform for the paid, part-paid, or prepaid invoice that contains the line items you want to credit.
  2. Tip:
    Click on the Invoice Line Items icon on the menu bar to see the line items in the invoice.

  3. Select View > Line Items.
  4. The Line Items view of the Invoice workform appears.

  5. Select the line items to credit by holding down the CTRL key while selecting the lines. The lines must have a status of paid or prepaid.
  6. Tip:
    Click after selecting the line items.

  7. Right-click the selected lines, and select Credit from the context menu.
  8. The Invoice Payment/Credit dialog box appears.

  9. Select Check or Voucher to specify the method of credit.
  10. If needed, type the check or voucher number in the Number box.
  11. Click OK to submit the settings.
  12. The invoice lines were credited successfully appears in the status bar of the Invoice workform, and the following events occur:

    • The statuses of the lines change from paid or prepaid to credited.
    • Unexpend transactions are posted to the funds linked to the invoice line item segments.
    • The invoice payment history is updated.