Credit an Invoice Line Item Segment

To credit a paid invoice line item segment:

  1. Open the Invoice Line Item workform for the paid, partpaid or prepaid invoice line item.
  2. Right-click the segment to credit, and select Credit from the context menu.
  3. The Segment Payment/Credit dialog box appears.

    Click the Credit icon on the toolbar to credit the line item segment.

  4. Select one of the following options:
    • To credit the total number of copies received, click OK.
    • To credit less than the total number of copies paid or prepaid, type a number less than the quantity received in the Enter quantity to credit box, and click OK.

    If you credit less than the quantity received, the invoice line item segment is split, with one segment remaining Paid or Part Paid and the other Credited.

    The Check/Voucher dialog box appears.

  5. Click Check or Voucher to specify the method of credit.
  6. If needed, type the supplier’s check or voucher number in the Number box.
  7. To change the date, type a different date or select a date from the calendar.
  8. Click OK to submit your settings.
  9. When credit processing is complete, The invoice line segment was credited (or partially credited) successfully appears in the status bar of the Invoice workform, and the following events occur:

    • The status of the segment changes from paid or prepaid to credited.
    • An unexpend transaction is posted to the fund linked to the invoice line item segment.
    • The invoice payment history is updated.