Estimate fines on currently checked out items
You can estimate accrued fines for a patron on items that are currently checked out, calculating the fines if the items were returned today or on a date you select. Your library may opt to include items in the estimated fine calculation that are declared or billed lost but the overdue fine has not yet been charged, and/or may include claimed items in the calculation. The library may also choose to include estimated fines in the threshold calculation that determines if a patron should be blocked for overdue fines.
To estimate fines for a patron from the Patron Status workform - Items Out view:
From the Patron Registration workform, press F9 to open the Patron Status workform.
- Open the patron’s record in the Patron Status workform. See Find patron services and related records.
From the Check Out workform, select Links, Existing, Patron Status.
- Select View, Items Out or click
to display the Items Out view.
- Click the Estimated Fines icon
above the Items Out list.
The Estimated Fines dialog box opens. The dialog box shows the fine on each item and the total estimated fines if the items are returned today.
The displayed amount never exceeds the maximum fine limit per material type set up in Polaris Administration, even if the calculated amount is greater. That is, the patron is never charged more than the maximum fine limit.
- To view the estimated fines if the items are returned at a future date, click the calendar icon and use the calendar control to set the date; then click Recalculate.
- Click Print to print the information on the printer specified for the workstation.
The information is formatted for a receipt printer and includes the title, author, due date, and estimated fine. If your library includes claimed and/or lost items in the calculation, these are included in the printed information.
Related Information
If your library has opted to include lost/and or claimed items in the estimated fines calculation, you can also estimate fines from the Claims view. See Estimate Fines from the Patron Status Workform - Claims View.