Polaris SQL Jobs Reference
This table is a summary of the SQL jobs that handle Polaris automatic processing operations. If you have the appropriate network privileges, you can view status and scheduling information for these jobs in the SQL Job Activity Monitor.
By default, error logs for SQL jobs are located in C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\Logs\SQLJobs (if there is a data link, C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\[DataLinkName]\Logs\SQLJobs).
SQL Job | Function | Enabled by Default | Default Schedule |
3M Novelist Select Export |
Supports enriched content in 3M self-check machines. When the job is run, all holdings in the database are exported in tab-delimited format with the following information: isbn, itemid, bibrecordcallno, bibrecordid, title. |
Yes |
N/A |
Acquisitions Overnight Claiming Cancellation |
Identifies Purchase Order Line Item segments eligible for claiming or cancellation; changes statuses to Pending Claim or Cancelled; updates linked Purchase Orders and Purchase Order Line Items accordingly. All cancelled objects will have linked fund transactions reversed. |
Yes |
Daily 5:10 AM |
Finds TRN files stored on offline workstations in the directory specified in the Patron Services parameter, Offline (Automated): Directory where offline TRN files are stored. It then pulls these files from the workstations to the server, uploads the transactions to the Polaris database, renames the TRN files with a DON extension, and logs the results of the upload. |
No | N/A | |
BNC LibrarySDA | For Canadian libraries that use BookNet Canada's SalesData Analysis (SDA) program. This job populates the database table used for generating lending and branch circulation data reports for BookNet Canada. A job step added in 6.4 compiles the reports and transmits them to BNC using FTP. | No |
Weekly Sunday 11:59 PM |
BookSense Import |
Checks Polaris for new IndieBound (formerly Book Sense) best-seller list distribution and populates local database for display in the Polaris PowerPAC dashboard. |
Yes |
Daily 6:11 AM |
Build up Compressed Holdings Statement |
Generates the compressed holdings statement for serials that is displayed in PAC search results. The statement is built from retained Issue/Part records at the system and each location level. It begins with the earliest issue retained and ends with the latest, but it does not reflect gaps in the holdings. |
Yes |
Daily 11:00 PM |
Cash Drawer Daily Delete Rows |
For libraries that use CLASS POS. Purges completed transactions from the table used by both applications for communication. Does not affect patron account tables. |
No |
Daily 11:00 PM |
Cataloging Background Tasks |
Background process that manages the execution of all MARC data related background tasks, including Authority change distribution to bibs, Authority link management and Bib Bulk Change processing. |
Yes |
Every 5 minutes 7:00 AM to |
Cataloging Import Job (1, 2, 3) |
Importing cataloging records. The three jobs run 1 minute apart from each other. No user can have more than one job running at a time. The three jobs allow multiple users to import records more efficiently. |
N/A |
Every 3 minutes |
Cataloging Purge Processing |
Executes stored procedure Cat_PurgeDeletedRecords that performs the following:
Yes |
Daily 5:10 AM |
Circulation Background Processing |
Processes a time-out for located requests if SA allows this to happen. It also processes patron account charges that are suspected to be duplicates |
Yes |
Every 5 minutes between 6:02 AM and 10:02 PM |
CJ Chained Job Launcher | Launches the Chained Jobs (CJ) sequence and inserts a link at the end of each job to run the next job in the CJ sequence. | Yes | |
CJ PAC Availability |
Recalculates availability counts in the event that the Polaris Administration setting for item status suppression changed. |
Yes |
Daily 5:45 AM |
CJ Automatic Display in PAC |
Updates bibliographic records to turn off or turn on the Display in PAC setting. | ||
CJ Keyword Processing |
Maintains keyword weighting accuracy for relevancy ranking in PAC search results without reindexing. Repopulates the SearchSuggestions table for Did You Mean suggestions. |
Yes |
Daily 3:00 AM |
CJ DBCC Nightly |
Data consistency check and optimization. Performs defragmentation and index optimization on all Polaris application databases. Should be run during minimal load time. |
Yes |
Daily 4:30 AM |
Classification Index Maintenance |
Maintains the PIM_ClassificationIndex used by the Polaris Inventory Manager (available by separate purchase); indexes any modified or created items since the last time the job ran. This is a local call number index that does not include the Call Number Prefix. Used for shelf list sorting. |
Yes |
Daily 5:27 AM |
Clean Notification Queue |
Removes items from the Results Notification Queue table that are no longer overdue or held. It also removes entries from the notification queue where the delivery option is fax. |
Yes |
Hourly between 8:03 AM and 9:04 PM |
Community Campaigns Processing |
If the library has the required licenses for Community Profiles and Campaigns, the job creates automatic promotions based on settings in the Campaign records. The SQL job for campaigns runs every night before the nightly promotions indexing job, so that new promotions are indexed. Successive runs of the SQL job for campaigns delete all existing campaign-generated promotions created by and linked to the campaign, and create new promotions according to any settings saved to the Campaign workform. |
No |
Daily 2:00 AM |
Close Purchase Orders | If the Automatically close purchase orders parameter is set to Yes for the organization, the Close purchase orders SQL job runs and closes eligible purchase orders. | No |
Daily 6:59 AM |
Copy Offline Files |
Allows administrators to have the SQL Agent automatically update the offline files on designated workstations. This job must be run under an account that has rights to copy the files to the local workstations on the network. |
No |
N/A |
Dashboard Most Circulated |
Populates Most Circulated Web part elements (Titles, Subjects, Authors) for display in the Polaris PowerPAC dashboard. When completed it resets the dashboard monthly circ counters. |
Yes |
Monthly Day 1 - 5:00 AM |
Dashboard New Titles |
Creates the New Titles Web part elements (new books, new sound recordings, new video, new large print) for display in the Polaris PowerPAC dashboard. |
Yes |
Daily 4:50 AM |
Custom 3M EContent Bib Cleanup |
Once enabled by customer support, this job identifies cloudLibrary (formerly 3M Cloud Library) eContent bibs (those with resource entities), and looks within these bibs to determine if there are 856 tags with a 2nd indicator value of '2' and also a $3 with either of the following data strings: Cover Image or 3M Cloud Icon to be flipped. If an 856 tag like this is found, it is changed to a 956 tag in the MARC record and re-indexed. The job runs a single stored procedure called Custom_3M_EContentBibURLTagCleanup, which does all of the work. |
No | 5:45 AM |
Database Sync Restore |
Dual-purpose job that handles database backup in the production environment and table backups in the training environment. On the production server, the job creates database backups of the Polaris ILS databases. The production job should be scheduled to start after the close of business, but should finish before the training side job starts. On the training server the job will back up the existing configurations, restore the production database backups, and then restore the training configurations back on top of the production data. After the job runs, the training environment will get an updated copy of the production data (patron, bib, item, and workstation information) but remain a functioning, separate training environment. |
No. Requires license; contact your Customer Support representative. | N/A |
Data Validation |
Yes |
Daily 5:15 AM |
EDI Agent |
For libraries that send electronic purchase orders and receive acknowledgments and invoices electronically using electronic data interchange (EDI). Checks Polaris Supplier records for EDI orders checkbox set to Yes; connects to the FTP servers specified in the Supplier records; calls the Acquisitions parameter for active or passive FTP transmission; scans the supplier’s FTP server for order acknowledgments and invoices; downloads and parses the appropriate files. It will also check for and retrieve Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) files if the supplier record indicates the supplier can produce them. |
No |
Daily 8:00 AM |
Expire Community Events |
For libraries that use Polaris Community Profiles. Automatically finds any event where the expiration date is less than the date the job runs, marks it not to display in PAC, and indexes the record accordingly. |
Yes |
Daily 1:00 AM |
Hold Notice Processing |
Processes Hold Notices for email and SMS (text messages) only; sends out email notices by calling PolEmailManager.exe. |
Yes |
Daily every 4 hours between 9:00 AM and 7:59 PM |
Holds Request Cleanup Nightly |
Processes unclaimed and expired hold requests per Polaris Administration settings. It then auto-deletes Expired, Not-Supplied, and Canceled holds which have been in their current status and "alive" for greater than the number of days specified in Polaris Administration. See |
Yes |
Daily 4:40 AM |
Hold Request Process Inactive Requests Nightly |
Processes all inactive requests before the RTF Requests-To-Fill or RTF processing sends hold requests to designated libraries in a specified order. A library chooses to fill or deny the request. The request is routed until it is filled, it expires, or every library denies it. Routing Job. |
Yes |
Daily 4:25 AM |
Hold Request RTF Routing Nightly |
Yes |
Daily 5:00 AM |
ISBN List |
Generates a CSV file in {Server - Active Node}/ProgramData/Polaris/[version]/Logs/SQLJobs that lists the ISBNs for bibliographic records in your catalog where the ISBN is valid, the record status is final, and the record is set to display in PAC. The file is used to update the library’s holdings with NoveList Select. |
No |
Weekly Monday 1:10 AM |
Item Shelving Status |
Maintains the optional Item record ShelvingBit flag that indicates a recently checked in item is being shelved. These items are displayed with the optional Shelving status in the PAC. Note:
Yes |
Every 9 minutes 7:30 AM to |
Lost Missing Withdrawn Processing | When the Lost item transition and/or Missing item transition parameters have been enabled, the job identifies the items that meet the criteria specified in the parameter and updates the items according to the applicable parameter's settings. | No | |
Manage Item Record History |
Deletes item record histories based on the system-level Polaris Administration setting for the Cataloging parameter Item record history time threshold. |
Yes |
Daily 5:20 AM |
Most Popular List |
Generates the most popular list (circulation and hold request statistics) to be extracted for contribution to the “Best Sellers: Books Most Borrowed” feature in Library Journal. |
Yes |
Twice monthly 1st and 15th at 6:00 AM |
Notices Processing |
Daily notices processing: Fine Notices; Overdue and Bill Notices; Reminders (almost overdue, expiration and inactive). Sends email notices by calling PolEmailManager.exe. Processes Hold Notices for mail if exporting hold notices is enabled; exports Overdue, Bill, Hold and Fine notices by calling ExportNotices.exe if exporting notices is enabled. |
Yes |
Daily 6:00 AM |
Offline Extract |
Extracts data to the Polaris offline Access databases for offline Polaris circulation services. |
Yes |
Daily 5:51 AM |
PAC Popularity |
Updates the popularity value associated with each bibliographic record, used in the PAC Most Popular sort feature. |
Yes |
Daily 4:45 AM |
PAPI Processing |
Deletes expired authentication tokens provided to library staff members for protected methods. The job calls the PAPI_DeleteExpiredAuthTokens database stored procedure which checks the PAPIStaffAuthentication table's AuthenticationExpDate column to determine which tokens are expired. |
Yes |
Daily 5:30 AM |
Patron Address Check |
Places a stop (block) on a patron whose address check date has been exceeded. This job requires a stop in the patronstopdescriptions table like this: “Address Check Required”. |
No |
Daily 6:00 AM |
Patron Delete |
Using the SA parameters set for patron deletion and based on the SA settings, this job does one of the following:
No |
N/A |
Patron Processing |
Performs overnight tasks specific to patrons:
Yes |
Daily 6:45 AM |
Polaris Collection Agency |
For libraries that use Polaris collection agency processing; enabled as part of setup when you subscribe to Collection Agency. Identifies patrons who have been flagged for collection since the last Submission report was generated and sends the Submission report by email to the collection agency and/or copies it to a designated directory. Also generates the Update report, which includes all patrons who are in collection and have had any activity (new charge, payment, or waive) at the reporting organization since the last report (Submission or Update) was generated. |
Yes |
N/A |
Polaris Collection Synchronization |
For libraries that use Polaris collection agency processing; enabled as part of setup when you subscribe to Collection Agency. Identifies patrons currently reported to the collection agency, including each patron’s barcode, name, and the amount due. |
Yes |
Daily, every 7 minutes between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM |
Polaris Scheduling Executive |
For libraries that use Polaris SimplyReports. Runs scheduled tasks for SimplyReports. |
Yes |
Every 30 minutes between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM |
Purge Acquisitions Records |
Removes purchase orders and invoices from the Polaris database using settings in the Purge Purchase Orders and Invoices dialog box. |
Yes |
Daily 12:01 AM |
Purge PatronID from Circ Transactions |
Purges patron identification information from transactions according to settings in the Patron Services parameter Remove patron ID from circ transactions. |
Yes |
Daily 2:45 AM |
RSS Populate New Titles |
Creates RSS feed entries from Polaris PowerPAC for new titles (new books, new sound recordings, new video, new large print). |
Yes |
Hourly 5:03 AM to |
SDI Daily |
Uses the SDIAgent executable to run searches saved by patrons in the PAC (search agent feature). On any given run, both the weekly and monthly searches scheduled to run on that date are processed. Any errors in the job are reported in an error log, which is placed in the same folder as the job report. See |
Yes |
Daily 5:11 AM |
Serial Claiming Process |
Yes |
Daily 8:00 AM |
Stop Expired Patrons |
Places a stop (block) on all patrons whose expiration date is less than the current date. |
No |
Daily 5:33 AM |
Subfield Nine Utility |
Deletes bib tags that have been marked with a $9. These tags may include: pre-existing holdings tags; 852 tags inserted automatically to create eContent items; embedded holdings tags that are used to create item records; and 970 tags used to create purchase order line items. |
Yes |
Daily 1:45 AM |
Transaction Processing |
Generates daily transaction aggregates and patron reading history entries. |
Yes |
Daily 5:33 AM |
Year End Circ Count Rollover |
Run once annually to roll over item, bib, and patron circulation counters to previous year tables and zero out the current year-to-date counters. |
No |
Annual (when enabled) |
ZMARC Authority Updates |
Available by subscription. Retrieves Authority record updates from ZMARC. This job invokes the program MARCRecordServiceConsumer.exe. See Polaris Permission Groups - Default Permissions Reference. |
No |
Weekly (when enabled) |