Specify Language, Voice, Speech Rate, and Volume

To select a natural voice for Phone Attendant messages, and to set the speech rate and volume of the natural voice messages:

  1. If necessary, open the Phone Attendant configuration utility. See Configure Hardware Communications.
  2. Click Phone Voice to display the Phone Voice tabbed page.
  3. If you have purchased a multilingual license, select the language in the Language box.
  4. To work with the selected language, select one of these options.
    • To add a new voice, click Add New Phone Voice.
    • To edit existing settings, click View.

The Phone Voice Configuration dialog box opens.

  1. Select the language for which you are setting up the voice.

If this language will be the organization’s default message language, select Default.

  1. Select the organization in the Organization ID box that should use these settings.

The default setting is 1, which identifies the system organization.

You can view organization ID values in Polaris Administration. In the Administration Explorer, right-click an organization and select Properties from the context menu. Select the About tab on the Properties dialog box. Polaris system ID number identifies the organization ID.

  1. Select a menu option for this language.

The default setting is 1. The setting of 1 controls which language is used when the user presses 1 in accordance with the default instructions contained in the message PA_LANGUAGE_MENU_OPTION: “press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish.”

If you have selected Español in the Language box and leave the default Menu Option setting at 1, the user will hear Spanish messages when 1 is pressed. You can edit PA_LANGUAGE_MENU to say “Press 1 for Spanish, press 2 for English.” See Editing Messages and Prompts.

  1. Select a voice in the Voice box.

You are selecting a specific voice for your messages, represented by an index number. Innovative Interfaces supplies several AT&T SAPI (Speech Application Programming Interface) voices, and you may add your own. The index number is server workstation-specific. The Voice box shows the index number and the name of the voice.

  1. Set the rate of speech in the Rate box.

The settings represent a relative rate. The default value (-1) is somewhat slower than normal speech. Settings of 0 and higher set more rapid rates.

Each increment in the Rate box causes a noticeable change in the speech rate. You may want to change this setting only one increment at a time, and test before you make further changes.

  1. Set the speech volume in the Volume box.

The default (100) represents an average volume.

  1. Click Apply to apply your changes and continue working with the configuration utility, or click OK to save your changes and quit working with the utility.

You must stop and restart the Phone Attendant service for your changes to take effect.