Serials Profiles Reference

These are the parameters and profiles that you set to administer and maintain the Serials subsystem in Polaris Administration.

Not all permissions, parameters, and profiles are specific to Serials. There are other permissions which apply to Serials, but are not configured within Serials, such as Override invalid item barcode message: Allow and the Acquisitions permission Create a bib record from acquisitions and serials: Allow.

The following profiles are available when you select Profiles, Acquisitions/Serials at the listed organizational levels. For more information, see Serials Administration.

Route List defaults
(System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff)

Sets the default values used when creating new route lists. See Setting Up Routing.

Override Serials blocks

Specifies whether the selected staff member can override blocks in Serials functions. Staff members with this profile set to Yes must also have permissions to the restricted functions. The default is No; to enable, set to Yes.