Routing Serial Issues

When you check in a serial issue, you can print a route slip to attach to the issue if you want to route it to several people. In order for a route slip to print, the serial holdings record, or individual issue must be associated with a route list.

The default printer attached to the workstation where you are doing serials check in determines the type of route slip that is printed. If the default printer is a receipt printer, a standard type of route slip is printed on a 3.5 inch receipt slip. If the default printer is not a receipt printer, the route slip prints on an 8.5 x 11 sheet.

If you print route slips on a receipt printer, you cannot customize the text that appears on the slip.

Your Polaris Administrator can set up route lists defaults, and you set up the route lists in Serials using the Route List workform:

If you want a notice sent to people on the route list that the issue is being routed to them, you can set up routing notices in Polaris Administration. See Set up routing notices.

See also: