Uncheck In Issues or Standing Order Parts

Sometimes a serial issue or standing order An order placed with a vendor or the publisher directly for all publications in a series, all volumes in a set, or all publications of a single publisher. part is mistakenly checked in for the wrong title. In these cases, you can reset the status of an issue or part record from Received to Expected, thus “undoing” check-in. Undoing the check-in for issues and parts automatically deletes any serial item records which may have been created at check-in.

To uncheck in issues:

  1. Open the Subscription Check In or Standing Order Part Check In workform for the serial title and copy that need resetting.
  2. If the received issues or parts do not display in the Check In workform, select Received in the Issue/part status box above the list.

You can press CTRL and select multiple issues or parts.

  1. Select the issue or part with a Received status in the Issues list.
  2. Select Tools, UnCheck In, or right-click and select UnCheck-In from the context menu.

The issue or part’s status reverts to its status before it was checked in (Expected, Claimed, Pending Claim, Not Available, or Never published).

Any serial item records automatically created as a result of check-in are deleted unless there are conditions that prevent their deletion.