Edit bibliographic information display order

To insert a zone separator or set the entity display order:

  1. Open the Title Display Configure dialog box if it not already open, and select the view you want to arrange. See Select bibliographic entities for display and edit labels.
  2. To insert a zone separator:
  1. In the Display these entities list, select the entity that should appear just below the new zone separator.
  2. Right-click and select Create Zone from the context menu, or click the Create Zone icon TitleDisplayCreateZoneIcon.gif at the top of the Display these entities list.
  1. To remove an existing zone separator, select it, right-click and select Drop Zone, or click the Drop Zone icon TitleDisplayDrZnIcon.gif.
  2. To change the order in which the entities and zone separators are displayed, select the entity or zone separator and click the up or down arrow buttons at the top of the Display these entities list.
  3. To suppress the field label (but not the entity itself) from the PAC display, select the data element in the Display these entities list, right-click, and select Show/Hide Label from the context menu.

In the Display these entities list, the label icon TitleDisplayLblIcon.gif indicates that the label is currently set to be shown.

  1. Save or cancel your work in the Title Display Configure dialog box:

After saving your changes, use Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin) to reload PowerPAC. See Updating Page Caches.