Organizing E-Source Targets

By default, all e-source targets are displayed as a single (potentially long) list on the PAC e-Source page. To make it easier for patrons to find e-source targets, you can organize the targets list into categories and subcategories. For example, you might organize e-source targets by subject matter categories, such as Business and Education, and perhaps define subcategories within these categories. You can set up categories at the system, library, or branch level. If categories are not set up for an organization, the organization scheme from the parent level is used.

A specific e-source target can be represented in multiple categories. You can add a target to a category when you set up the target, or you can copy targets from other categories. The copied targets are linked, so if you modify a target in one category, the same change is made to the linked targets in other categories. Categories can be copied, pasted, renamed, and deleted.

To organize the library’s e-source targets into categories and subcategories:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Profiles folder for the organization, and click the PowerPAC tab in the details view.
  2. Double-click Categorization of ESource targets. The ESource Target Categorization dialog box appears.
  3. To add a category, do these steps:
  1. Select (highlight) the folder to which you want to add a category. Root, the default category, cannot be copied, deleted, or renamed. If you are adding a new category to the root level, select Root. If you are adding a subcategory to an existing category, select the existing category folder.
  2. Click Add Category. A folder icon appears in the Category tree view, with the cursor positioned to name the folder.
  3. Type a category heading, and press ENTER.
  1. Use the following methods to place e-source targets in categories:
  1. To set the display order in the PAC, select a category or target and click Up or Down. Repeat until the categories or targets are in the display order you want.

On the PAC e-sources page, targets defined at the Root level are always displayed below any categories.

  1. Click OK.

Related Information

You cannot paste a category at the same level as the original category. There cannot be two subcategories with the same name within a category.