Polaris Fusion Results

Mobile PAC supports Polaris Fusion (digital collection) searches and results. Materials in the digital collections may include images, video clips, sound files, and text files. To limit search results to digital collection materials, the user selects Digital Collection in the Limit by box on the Advanced search page.

In the search results, the digital collection icon formatid38.gif identifies digital collection materials.

When the user clicks a title, more choices related to the title are displayed. Digital collection titles with a single linked resource, such as one image, offer a link to that resource. If there are no access restrictions, the user can click the link to see the resource.

Image resources open in the same browser window. Other types of digital resources open in a new browser window to ease navigation back to Mobile PAC.

When the user clicks a title with multiple linked resources, the title page displays a Show Resources link. The user clicks this link to see the attached resources.

If a resource has restricted access, the user can request access by clicking the place access request link. If purchase is required, the access request page offers a link to the full library catalog.

When the user clicks the full catalog link, the same search is launched and the title is displayed in Polaris PowerPAC. Like the Full Site link at the bottom of Mobile PAC pages, the full library catalog is the address specified in the parameter URL of the PowerPAC’s root for the Web server in Polaris Administration. See Set the Full Site link.

For more information about setting up and using Polaris Fusion to manage digital collections, see the Polaris Fusion online Help.