Serials Reports
To access Serials reports, select Utilities from the Polaris Shortcut Bar, and select Reports and Notices, Serials.
There may be other unreceived issues or parts with a status of Never Published or Not Available. You can search for the issues or parts using the Find Tool, select Status in the Limit by box, and select the statuses.
- Issues or Parts not Received - Lists the issues or parts that were not received as expected. Only the issues with a status of Expected, Pending Claim or Claimed are listed in this report.
- List of Subscriptions by Publisher - Lists the subscriptions your library is receiving, according to the publisher in the linked bibliographic record’s 260 tag, $b. To generate the report, you specify a subscription record status (open, canceled, or all), an expiration date or date range, and the publisher’s name.
- List of Subscriptions by Subject - Lists the subscriptions your library is receiving, according to the subject in the linked bibliographic record’s 6XX tag. To generate the report, you specify a subscription record status (open, canceled, or both), an expiration date or date range, and the subject. You can include multiple subjects separated by #.
- List of Subscriptions by Supplier - Lists the subscriptions your library is receiving, according to the supplier linked to the subscription record. To generate the report, you specify a subscription record status (open, canceled, or both), an expiration date or date range, and the supplier’s name. You can select multiple suppliers.
- Monthly Check In Statistics - The number of issues a library has received during a specified time period.
- Renewal Reminder - Identifies the subscriptions due to be renewed within a specified time period. You can compare this report with the paper renewal list that the supplier sends to confirm that the library and the supplier have the same information about the subscriptions. Select one or more organizations (or select All), select the subscription start date and expiration date range, and the supplier or suppliers. The report lists the titles (grouped by organization and supplier) that are up for renewal. It also shows the total cost for each subscription and the total cost by supplier.
- Serial Holdings Records by Branch - Lists the serial holdings records for a specific branch.
- Subscription Cost Analysis - Provides a graphical representation of a subscription’s cost for the years that your library has tracked the cost in Polaris. You can set the report to show a single subscription or multiple subscriptions. You can also print the report from the Subscription Record workform (File, Print, Subscription Cost Analysis) to report on that specific subscription record.
- Subscription Expenditure Prediction - Projects a library’s expenditures, based on a specified percentage increase. The report applies only to subscriptions with a status of open. You can also print the report for a specific subscription from the Subscription Record workform (File, Print, Subscription Expenditure Prediction).
- Titles Not Automatically Renewed - Identifies subscriptions that were not automatically renewed, so they can be renewed manually. Select one or more organizations and one or more suppliers. The report lists the subscriptions by supplier, the status of the subscription, the fund that was used to pay for the subscription, the price, and the number of active and fulfilled.