Outreach Services Reports
The following reports can help you organize and track outreach services processing. To access these reports, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select Public Services, Outreach Services in the Polaris Reports dialog box.
Pick List Reports
- Outreach Services Pick List by Date of Next Service - After you generate pick lists for your outreach services patrons, this report lists detailed item information for each patron due for outreach services deliveries within a specified time period. You can filter the report by patron’s branch and date range, and sort it by a number of fields, such as title, call number, patron name, delivery mode and route.
- Outreach Services Pick List by Delivery Option - This report lists detailed item information for each patron due for outreach services deliveries by a specified delivery option. You can filter the report by patron’s branch and delivery option, and sort it by a number of fields.
- Outreach Services Pick List by Route - This report lists detailed item information for each patron due for outreach services deliveries on a specified delivery route. You can filter the report by patron’s branch and delivery route, and sort it by a number of fields.
Usage Reports
- All ORS Patrons - This report lists all enabled ORS patrons (active and inactive), grouped by branch. It includes the patron’s name, ORS status, notes, last service date, next delivery date, route, and mode of delivery. You can filter the report by patron’s branch.
- Item Circulation Statistics for ORS - This report shows the number of items checked out to ORS patrons within a specified time period. Items are grouped by material type and organization. The report includes the number of items by material type, checkouts, renewals, and total transactions. You can filter the report by branch.
- Patron Circulation Statistics for ORS - This report lists the number of items checked out and renewed to ORS patrons, grouped by patron code, within a specified time period. You can filter the report by branch.
Reader Ratings Reports
Rating average calculations do not include titles with a rating of 0.
- ORS Rated titles - This report includes titles where the title appears on a reading history linked to an ORS patron, the patron’s registered branch is a selected branch, the title has an average rating that matches the selected ratings, and at least one item attached to the title appears in the selected patron reading histories and has a rating date within the selected range. You can filter the report by branches, ratings, and rating date range, and opt to combine branch totals or report each branch separately. The report lists title, author, format (bibliographic format), patrons (the number of patron records where the title appears), number of ratings, average rating, total number of items for the branch, total number of patrons for the branch, and grand totals for items and patrons when multiple branches are selected.
You can sort this report by author, format, number of ratings, or title. You must select a sort option to run the report.
- ORS Rated titles by patron - This report includes all titles where the patron is an ORS patron, the patron’s registered branch is a selected branch, the title has an average rating that matches the selected ratings, and at least one item attached to the title appears in the selected patron reading histories and has a rating date within the selected range. You can filter the report by branches, ratings, and rating date range. The report lists patron name, titles grouped alphabetically by rating, author, format, number of ratings, and average rating.
You can sort this report by format, patron name, or title. You must select a sort option to run the report.
- ORS titles not rated - This report shows the number of titles with no rating checked out to ORS patrons for a specified date range. You can filter the report by patron’s registered branch, and sort it by author, format, title, or total check-outs.
You must select a sort option to run the report.