Holds Processing Reports
Reports related to holds are part of the regular holds processing workflow. They identify a branch’s hold requests to fill, requests awaiting pickup, unclaimed requests, titles that have a high volume of holds, expired requests, and other useful information. To access these reports, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select Circulation, Holds in the Polaris Reports dialog box.
- Expired Requests - Lists expired requests with item and patron information. You can filter this report by organization.
- Held Checklist - Lists the held items that are awaiting pickup by patrons; includes item and patron information, sorted by organization and call number. You may find it useful to run this report daily. You can filter this report by organization.
- Holds Alert Reports - These reports list titles where the number of Active and Pending requests is equal to or greater than a selected number of requests, and count the number of items linked to those titles that might fill the requests. The linked items count includes items with a Final record status, and any circulation status except Claim Never Had, Claim Returned, Lost, Missing, Withdrawn, or Unavailable. You can select a pickup branch or branches to filter the Holds alert report by branch. You can select a library or libraries to filter the Holds alert report by library; in this case, the report includes requests where the pickup branch belongs to one of the selected libraries. Report output columns include the bib record ID, title, author, type of material (format), ISBN, local holds count, local items count, system holds count, and system items count.
These reports are based on current holds data (all current Active and Pending requests), not transaction data. They do not report the number of requests that have been placed in the past, only the requests that are in the system when the reports are run.
Holds Purchase Alert - Lists bibliographic records with hold requests on them, the number of requests, and the number of items that can fill the request. This report provides the library with an indication of which titles are most frequently requested and have too few items to meet the demand, and is useful for making purchasing decisions. Using the report parameters, you can do the following:
- Set the levels for the number of holds on a bibliographic record and the number of items attached to a bibliographic record in the report. The report returns results based on the ratio of number of holds to number of items. The report also includes bibliographic records for which there are no linked items.
- Include or exclude items that are not holdable (Lost, Missing, Withdrawn, Unavailable and non-holdable) by selecting Yes or No next to Include non-holdable items. The default is No - no non-holdable items will be included.
- Filter the report by TOM by selecting one or multiple TOM filters. When TOM filters have been applied, only bibliographic records with the selected primary TOMs are included. For example, if you want to see Blu ray discs for which there are at least 10 holds and only 1 item, enter 10 in the Number of Holds box and 1 in the Number of Items box, and select Blu ray Disc in the Type of Material box.
- Group the report by TOM, or leave it ungrouped.
The report includes the UPC code (if any) for bibliographic records with no ISBN to help you track non-print records.
- Hold Requests To Fill - The RTF Requests-To-Fill or RTF processing sends hold requests to designated libraries in a specified order. A library chooses to fill or deny the request. The request is routed until it is filled, it expires, or every library denies it. report, an essential part of the daily holds routing process. This report identifies pending hold requests currently in the request routing sequence. You can sort the report by call number, collection, format, and title, and filter it by organization. You use this report to view items at your library with a status of In that could fill the requests. For each request, check in and send the item to the pick-up branch, or deny the request.
You can also print the Hold Requests To Fill report and the Hold Requests to Transfer reports from the Request Manager workform (File, Print, Holds to Fill or Holds to Transfer). However, you cannot sort information.
- Hold Requests To Transfer- Lists held items that need to be transferred to another branch location because the pickup branch was changed. In the Report Wizard dialog box, select a branch or branches on the Parameters tab, and select the Sorting Options tab. Select an option (CallNumber, Collection, Format, PatronName, Title) in the list in the left column, and click the right arrow to select the default sort order for the report.
If your holds shelf is arranged alphabetically by the patron's last name, you can sort the report by the patron's name and quickly locate the item to transfer.
- Holds Fiscal Year Analysis- Shows the system-wide number of patron-placed hold requests per month, staff-placed hold requests per month, total hold requests for the year to date, and total hold requests filled, beginning with today’s date and going back to the month you specify. The report also includes the percentage of increase or decrease for each category compared to the same month in the previous year, and shows the grand totals for successive past years as available data permits. The report gathers the data from the holds transaction files. For reporting purposes, hold requests “placed” includes all requests that acquired a status of Inactive, Active, or Pending. Reactivated requests are not counted.
- Local Hold Request and Item Counts by Branch - Lists Active and Pending requests for each branch where the branch is the pick-up library. The Number of Local Holds column shows the requests. The Number of Local Copies column shows the number of items owned by the branch, including items with a status of In, Out, Held, Transferred, In Transit, On Order, In Repair, and In Process. Items designated as Not Holdable are also included in the count. This column lists 0 for a title if the pickup branch does not own any eligible items, or if the title does not have any linked items. You can filter this report by organization.
- Pending Holds Count - Counts pending requests per day for a selected pick-up branch or branches, and can help you gauge the amount of staff time spent on finding and pulling items that fill requests. You specify a date range and select an organization or organizations (the pick-up branches for the hold requests). The report lists all the holds requests that changed to a status of Pending during the selected date range for the selected pick-up libraries. If the same request went Pending more than once during the specified time period, it is counted only once. The report is organized by branch and lists one line per day during the time period with the total number of pending requests for that day. If the count for a day is 0, that day is not listed. For example, a selected date range of 30 days could include up to 30 lines for a branch, with a count of requests for each day. The reports also includes the total number of requests for each selected branch and the grand total for all selected branches.
- Request Time to Fill - Shows how many days it took to fill hold requests during a specified time period, from the date the request was placed to the date the item was placed on the hold shelf. The report is organized in 10-day increment columns. That is, you see how many requests were filled in 10 days or less, how many were filled in 11-20 days, and so forth. A percentage of the total requests filled is also provided for each 10-day increment, as well as an overall average days-to-fill figure. (Note that the percentages for each 10-day column may not total exactly 100% due to rounding.) The report is grouped by pick-up branch, and you can filter the report by pick-up branch.
The report does not include requests that took more than two years to fill.
- Unclaimed Checklist - Lists unclaimed requests with item and patron information. You can filter this report by organization.
To access the Statistical Summary report, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select System. See System Reports.
INN-Reach Reports - Polaris libraries that use INN-Reach integration can generate reports to assist in tracking items borrowed or loaned through INN-Reach. See: INN-Reach Reports.