Holds Processing Reports

Reports related to holds are part of the regular holds processing workflow. They identify a branch’s hold requests to fill, requests awaiting pickup, unclaimed requests, titles that have a high volume of holds, expired requests, and other useful information. To access these reports, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select Circulation, Holds in the Polaris Reports dialog box.

These reports are based on current holds data (all current Active and Pending requests), not transaction data. They do not report the number of requests that have been placed in the past, only the requests that are in the system when the reports are run.

The report includes the UPC code (if any) for bibliographic records with no ISBN to help you track non-print records.

You can also print the Hold Requests To Fill report and the Hold Requests to Transfer reports from the Request Manager workform (File, Print, Holds to Fill or Holds to Transfer). However, you cannot sort information.

If your holds shelf is arranged alphabetically by the patron's last name, you can sort the report by the patron's name and quickly locate the item to transfer.

The report does not include requests that took more than two years to fill.

To access the Statistical Summary report, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select System. See System Reports.

INN-Reach Reports - Polaris libraries that use INN-Reach integration can generate reports to assist in tracking items borrowed or loaned through INN-Reach. See: INN-Reach Reports.