Linking to Other Records

In the Find Tool results list, press the up or down arrow keys to locate the record, and press SHIFT+F10 to open the context menu. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the context menu options, and press ENTER to select an option. For more keyboard shortcuts, see Basic Shortcut Keys.

Certain Polaris records are linked to other records so that you can easily navigate from one record to another. For example, item records are linked to bibliographic records. To display linked records from an open workform, press ALT+L and type the first letter of the type of record, or select Links, Existing and select the type of record.

You can also right-click a record listed in Find Tool search results to open the context menu, and then select Links and the type of record. For more information about using the Find Tool, see Finding Polaris Records.

You can expand the Find Tool results list and list boxes by dragging the bottom right corner of the window, and you can sort the columns by clicking on the column headings.

If only one record is linked to the record in the workform or in the Find Tool results list, it opens in the appropriate workform. If there are multiple linked records, they are listed in a linked list box.

In a linked list box, you can click a column heading to sort the list; drag a column border to expand the column; or select a record or records and perform a function. Depending on the type of record, you can select multiple or all records in a linked list box, right-click, and select an action to perform on all the selected records. For example, you can display all the linked item records for a bibliographic record in the Linked Item Records dialog box, and add them all to a record set in one step. For more information about record sets, see Creating and Using Record Sets.