Using Find Tool Results Lists

Once the search results are retrieved, you can scroll through the list to display additional records, or press CTRL+SHIFT+A to automatically retrieve all records. The status bar displays Done and indicates the number of records retrieved.

Depending on the Retrieval Limit set in the Find Tool Settings tab, the total number of records retrieved may not equal the number of records in the database that meet the criteria you entered. The default retrieval limit is set in Polaris Administration, but you can change it temporarily if the search is likely to exceed the retrieval limit. See Set Find Tool results limits.

From the Find Tool results list, you can select records and open them, perform actions on the records by right-clicking and selecting options from the menu, link to other records, send the records to a record set, or print the results list for a quick report.

Search results, except for browse title and browse call number searches, may be filtered so the results list includes only those records that you have permission to access. For more information about setting permissions in Polaris, see Granting Permissions.

See also: